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    *shoots four cops in the head as they burst in, guns drawn*

    "These yellow traitoring motherfuckers. They're everywhere."

    And she has forgiven an awful lot about him. But overlooking the fact that he lied about who he is would turn Evie into a total doormat. He’s literally lied about his identity throughout their relationship. That’s some con man level lying

    How dare you, sir. Scott only nailed 12 chicks in 40 episodes.

    Cross her off then.

    She may be the best thing to happen to Daniel, but she's the worst thing to happen to the show. No person in the world talks like her, and that weird brand of confrontational aphorism makes it clear she's less a character than a conduit for Things Ray McKinnon Wants Spelled Out.

    Guys… Dolores is… US!

    Melissa: Still a better mom than Betty Draper.

    *watches cold open*

    Don't know if you noticed, but four pirates walked the plank last week.


    Played by Ethan Hawke, in the twist no one saw coming.

    Anyone familiar with the Law of Economy of Characters knew who'd be coming to the door, yeah?

    Everything is normally so beautifully shot, and then — BOOM! — speeder bike chase through the woods.

    come on people

    Considering the show was a cavalcade of filth, the optimal glaze reference involved neither windows nor donuts.

    "Just the Ten of Us" gets a reboot!

    When Teddy spies Dolores after his partner hustles upstairs with Clementine, he actually goes outside and picks up the can, leading directly into the "Someday sounds a lot like the thing people say when they actually mean never" scene.

    When in doubt, yellowdyenumber5.

    There's a short boob shot. The amorous couple that had burst in on John and Holly found an unoccupied room to do the deed, and the terrorists' room-to-room search for stray employees resulted in the blonde being pulled out into the hall with her blouse undone.