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    Christmas Eve in my house means time for the Stella Hall Double Feature.

    Well, I guess we're gonna have to throw down.

    The apotheosis, head and shoulders above all pretenders. Anyone who disagrees can fight me — and end up strangled with a chain, burned in a building explosion and ultimately shot.

    Exactly. Nina wasn't originally intended as a mole, and the decision to make her one came very late in the game. When you watch with foreknowledge of events like Nina supposedly killing Jamey, you find yourself saying stuff like, "Hey, Tony and Nina picked the room where they were holding Jamey specifically because

    Season 5 was a huge redeemer over Season 4 - if only for Jean Smart's great portrayal cleavage

    Why is Frank Thomas smiling? Because he—*turns around and starts bashing dingers right-handed*—is not left-handed.

    The Man in Black killed Lawrence, who was retrieved, patched up and put back in service in his native storyline. Dolores, William and Logan didn't encounter him until the next day.

    I said it all the way back to "Once and Again."

    Being a criminal on work release for the FBI and wearing "some kind of hat" was a tip of the fedora to "White Collar."

    Thank God we still have two actors left in the Carradine dynasty.

    Dammit, I thought Amy Brenneman was gonna happen. Mud wrestling hardly softened the blow.

    They should at least try when naming their terrorist stand-ins.

    I'll watch this when that clock strikes a quarter 'til never.

    his The Partridge Family/“12 Days of Christmas” mash-up song that inexplicably cites TV personalities

    Her real arc spans 3.05 to 3.11, but you have to watch 3.02 if you want to see her dance around a maypole.

    "You can't frame a telephone call."

    So the For Our Consideration left me with the impression that all girlish aspects of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" were repeated here. Was that the case, or do I have to watch both to keep from missing something?

    If I'm being completely honest, I'd have never made it past the dressing room.

    ♫ An asteroid's coming soon
    Or this guy's just a loon
    I'm singing to the tune of Galavant

    ♫ An asteroid's coming soon
    Or this guy's just a loon
    I'm singing to the tune of Galavant