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    Tygart Lake

    Lost the hyphen. Kept the Muffin Buffalo.

    Yeah, there's gonna be a parallel storyline where Ali's still banging that UCLA football player.

    That's not really what "malice" means in this context. It's knowing what was written was false or having reckless disregard for whether it was false. It's not about one's feelings toward the target.

    I would take 1 new scene of Deadwood over an infinite amount of Westworld any day.

    "When I make a wrong turn, I say I made a wrong turn."

    "You got it." — Mary Kate de Havilland.

    THR says Murphy purposefully chose not to contact her about the series because he didn’t want to “intrude.” wanted the freedom to be defamatory.

    Finn Carter is rested and ready.

    The stuff with Natalie was incredibly cheap. The character really had no reason to show up in town — "I fled Seattle for my life, but, uh, I forgot my father's gold watch…" — and was clearly only there to be killed off in emotionally manipulative fashion.


    Yes, "wherefore art thou Matthew Lillard?" is a lamentation that the boy you like is a Cereal Killer — of the Newport Cereal Killers — the family your family has been feuding with for generations.

    For the first time, I felt like I was watching an episode of "Twin Peaks."

    It's unstated, but I think generally understood, that "This guy fucks" elides "dead co-eds."

    This is true for, like, the first three-quarters of it, but then suddenly it's all, "Hey, let's get the band back together and go solve that mystery now!" And that's what made the ending a disappointment in my eyes.

    Not interested, unless he wakes up to find Alice in the shower and we can pretend the bullshit fourth season, which used the off-screen death of the best character as the inciting incident, never happened. The writing has always been shitty, so the only draw was the dynamic between the leads.

    The gist of the quote all you whiners keep mangling was not that Netflix needed to cancel things in favor of riskier fare, it was that cancelation rates rise when more risks are taken because risky projects more often fail. The correct reading of the connected cancelations is, therefore, "These were risks that

    Well, she's Welsh Eddie Murphy in prosthetic makeup.

    Take the fact that she's keeping pictures of your junk as a good sign.