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    As long as your fingers stayed where they were…

    Vienna Beef presents National Hot Dog Day is right around the corner.

    The visuals seemed distractingly artificial. I spent the past week re-watching the series and Fire Walk With Me in preparation, and this was not of a piece with those at all. I spent literally half the time wondering if the rooms people were in were computer-generated.

    Somewhere, idle snatch is reading scripture for solace.

    Who's at fault for your inability to read for comprehension?

    Answering the eternal question: What would it have been like if Merchant Ivory made a kung fu movie?

    4-3-5-2-1, probably. Though Norma's hair in the first season strongly argues for its elevation.

    You'd also be skipping over the most pivotal events of the series, which happen in season four. So run from this terrible advice like it's trying to stab you in the shower.

    I can't tell you how many hours of my life were lost to crap like Vertical Limit just because I wanted to see more of Izabella Scorupco after having been so entranced by Natalya.

    That Beauty-and-the-Beast ending, though…

    *kills Moshe Kasher instead*

    She most likely won't appear on every episode, hopefully she'll miss just a few.

    Even though they're actors of the same high talent level (in my opinion)

    You realize he lived in that house, and his prints are surely all over the place to begin with.

    I have literally one memory of that movie. Comparing scars as foreplay.

    I think you're talking about the wrong movie there, Chris. Shane lives at the end.

    As an action movie, no. But if you like laughing at Seagal being a windbag, yes.

    We already know it's Crouching Tiger. It was revealed a few weeks ago that Chow Yun-fat was the star of three of the entries, and that's obviously the third.

    The benefits of drinking wildflower tea by the gallon. Nature's miracle!

    Blade – Watching this for the first time two weeks ago, I couldn't help but be reminded of The Matrix at every turn. So, yeah, I guess this was the most influential movie of '98.