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    "I know your dad owns the team that happens to be our biggest competition in the league."

    Gavin Belson, I thought that was you! Now don't tell me you don't remember me, 'cause I sure as heckfire remember you. Jack! Barker! Action Jack? C'mon, buddy, Entercross Systems! Jack Barker, I did the whistling bellybutton trick at TechCrunch Disrupt. Bing!

    "So far in this article, you've called Edward Rooney 'Principal Jones' nine times."

    I don't think he's giddy at the making out, but at the sudden realization that Matthew and Paige are an item. He "jokes" about them getting married, but I think the prospect of actually becoming a member of his surrogate family is something he'd find deeply pleasing.

    Gracious, was "I will love again, or die trying" the worst line reading that has ever been. Really, that whole scene was on the wrong side of a chasm between over-the-top and too far over-the-top. "Did you kill him?" doesn't even make sense as a followup to "I was driving," it's just the most offensive way

    The entire scene with the DA was offensive in its stupidity.

    Anything for science.

    The second season as an academic exercise in how quickly a show can turn to shit?

    *weeps the tears of the obsessive completist*

    I know when I shoot to kill I aim for the legs.

    I find it disturbing whenever I learn an attractive woman is the fruit of Chris Elliott's loins.

    Or am I missing something about this whole phenomenon?

    "Party Down" moving to Sunday. Noted.

    To fill even a small cup is impressive.

    The day after Alana and Margot did the deed, I heard "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and was inspired.

    Au contraire. I spent countless hours mapping the entire series — not just plot arcs, but references with callbacks like "Arigato hey!" — in an attempt to find an order that works, and this is what I came up with:

    I'm gonna call an ambulance now. On the radio. In my police car.

    This family satire will star Leblanc as a dad who suddenly finds himself parenting his children when his wife goes back to work.

    Aawon Buww.

    I just wanted to make a horse cock