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    Opening salvo from "When Doves Cry" that no one else can recreate, obvs.

    we weren’t smart enough to write as many hit TV shows as Tina Fey, either.

    I'm gonna guess it's because this is the exact formula every TV drama used in their formative years before TV became good, so it's what they're used to.

    The credits change from week to week depending on who appears in the episodes, so there are really no conclusions to be drawn about anyone's long-term involvement. Last season's progression:

    And I can't resist again pointing out that you're projecting intended characterization into a space where only retconning and otherwise inconsistent writing exist.

    You know you're committed to applying this inane critique when you think it pertinent to a show whose main cast consisted of a foley artist, a housewife, an unemployed actor considering moving back in with his parents, and a woman who rents out bouncy castles for children's parties.

    The show really is a cavalcade of premises being introduced and immediately dropped, resulting in a big ball of nothing.

    Also, it seems that Super Max is essentially canned steroids.

    The reason viewers' impressions flip is because he's written to suit plot mechanics with no regard toward consistency. Thinking this is all part of some attempt at deep characterization is giving too much credit to writers who flat admit that they make drastic changes based on whim.

    Trial courts don't set precedents.

    "House of Cards" gets to have it both ways here. We see how the Underwood plan is meant to play out, and it’s actually rather ingenious. … But for once, they aren’t getting their way all too easily.

    How "uncensored" is it?

    Thankfully they don't view the show as a means of virtue-signaling to the likes of you.

    Here's to hoping it gets canceled before airing and is re-cut as a straight-to-video movie called Sharp Objects: Never In the Butt.

    At least one person appreciates your sports joke.

    I give Dudek one episode before she's replaced by Maggie Lawson.

    The hair-yank alone fleshes the hell out of Melanie more than anything Sasha ever did.

    Classic Shershow.

    You don't have to imagine AV Club circle jerks.

    It's almost like he's a bigger star than she is and TV shows generate revenue based on the size of the audiences they attract.