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    Not a single "Guy killed me with a sword, Mal — how weird is that?"

    What does the necklace have to do with it? (Please don’t tell me it’s
    because it represents love and love is the key to transcendence.)

    Dorothy has repeatedly declared her need for forward momentum after years of what she considers waste, and instead of hoping this broken guy will eventually join her on that track — which will realistically lead to her again lamenting wasted years — she *should* be moving on. This wouldn't have been a breakup over a

    Of course he paid up front.

    It says "Suck it!" next to a drawing of a penis, and it's a rag in place of a missing gas cap.

    Really annoyed that a Cary Elwes Random Roles would be wasted on Not Will Harris.

    I took immediately calling for his car as a clear implication that she wasn't.

    The car was parked under a bridge; the implication being she jumped off it.

    It's kind of infuriating the way he's been written, because that's absolutely Stapleton's strength, and it took this long to play to it even for 30 seconds.

    If Martin Cummins were on the FBI detail, sneaking out of the safe house wouldn't fly.

    Her tattoos were leading them to Adam Baylin the whole time.

    The Jessi Hollander Game continues in earnest:

    27 times lower than

    Jane is made an official member of the team, thus sparing the audience more squabbles over whether or not she should have to stay in the car during investigation stops.

    "I've done terrible things. Leave me here. I don't belong with someone like you."

    Envious failures grousing about privilege — that's the show somebody needs to make!

    It took people two whole episodes to realize they wanted A) Vera Farmiga to be their mother and B) to have sex with her?

    This made absolutely no sense. Kyle is the one who learned to do kung fu and speak Chinese during a bout of insomnia.

    There were no episodes that were smart — or even smarter than I remember. Dealing with dark subject matter instead of island curses doesn't mean it wasn't still pure hack work.

    In that she's not covered in a coat of fur, yes.