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    "Now the message lives in a very big house, she has barbed wire outside, and people with guns in front of that. That's one saved fucking message."

    I'm sure the case'll be cracked in lazy, deus-ex-machina fashion.

    *Melanie smash*

    So that episode they did that was basically an obnoxious 22-minute commercial for one of her shitty shows paid off for them? Congratulations.

    "I thought you said you'd be at the store" gives no indication of anything resembling a "promise not to turn up" having been made, and the continued characterization of it as such is befuddling.

    It's always weird seeing 40-year-old pictures in which Dolly Parton is recognizable as a human being.

    Have you gotten through episode six yet?

    wouldn't recommend the movie to anyone who hadn't watched the series, though.

    This show clears the bar for "trashy fun," I guess, but the way characters add and drop traits in support of whatever twist the creators have decided to write toward keeps it from being nearly as good as everyone has made it out to be.

    Daring armed robberies at every turn.

    A) "Mad Men" works as a…slow binge. I re-watched it at an episode-per-day pace from January to April as a refresher for its final block and found the results spectacular.

    There's the time between television seasons that he has to keep up the ruse. And renovating a winery presumably takes actual time, as opposed to a series of dates and ceremonies that can be filmed in rapid succession.

    And her blackmail plot barely holds up: Why would she want someone working for her that didn’t want to be there? Would that person be likely to do a good job?

    Okay, so we've got prostitutes working an orgy, two of whom we see sing the spray's praises based on previous experience, from which you deduce that they're being incapacitated and raped. They voluntarily return to be raped over and over while expressing their love for the drug experience for reasons unknown. That's

    Branford. But, then, all Marsalises look alike.

    In His word in Cass's camera, the internet is big. 9/11 is big, but not every towel head is eradicated.

    "Gretsch, do coke off my tone knobs!"

    No one appreciates these jokes. When this project was announced, I made one about it being a rock opera using space travel as a metaphor for burgeoning stardom. Crickets. Apparently fewer people are hip to unreleased masterworks than you'd think.

    That's a plausible desire to have for a foreign network to begin with, but after you've already aired three seasons, it's not as though your audience is going to pass on the fourth because distribution in another country has changed.

    My reaction to this is about the same as if the headline had been "Neve Campbell diagnosed with cancer."