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    Milkproof Robot, what should I do after handling raw chicken?

    "Have it your way" is Burger King. Level-Seven Susceptible you are not.

    Oh, yes, in a major role that would've carried over to a second season had the show not been an embarrassing disaster the entire world, save this brave soul, ran away from screaming.

    The title you were looking for was "Allegiance."

    Well, thanks for spoiling it for those of us who had the sense not to spoil ourselves.

    Because the rarity of the blood type is less relevant than the size of the population the blood type can receive from. AB- makes up 0.6% of the population, but it can receive from 15%. O- makes up 6.6% and can receive from just that same 6.6%. Ergo, O- makes the situation more precarious.

    Dr. Arnold Rosen, cardiac surgeon.

    I now expect the show to be really funny for two seasons, then steadily decline over the course of six years as it devolves into a nonstop series of catchphrases.

    Actually, Peggy remained the apple of her eye after that. It's moving to Manhattan to be raped that was never forgiven.

    No mention of Emma Dumont hulking up, so I'm out.

    NBC’s upcoming Heroes Reborn event series has just claimed another poor soul: Orphan Black‘s Dylan Bruce, who—to put it one way—recently found an opening in his schedule.

    O'Brien was averaging 1.1 - 1.2 in the demo during the six-month period between his premiere bump and his about-to-be-fired bump. Fallon wishes he did those numbers. The bigger geriatric audience doesn't really make anyone any money.

    And not off her fingernail.

    @olivececile, I salute you for being the only person possessing the requisite taste and sophistication to appreciate that comment's brilliance.

    "Gobi cries, and Crojar takes knife and first cuts off head and then all parts and puts them in bags and goes to the sea"—that should be a new fucking scene—"and puts Gobi in the water deep where no one will find."

    In preparation for these final seven, I did a one-per-day re-watch starting in the middle of January.

    "We're all doomed in the end, right?"

    These episodes have been in the can a *long* time.

    From this, I can only surmise you don't know what part of the eye the pupil is.

    Frain is perfectly oily in this role, letting Ferdinand languorously pull on rubber gloves before he suddenly shoves his hand up her shirt to feel her breast. Delphine, Sarah, and Alison can only blink in barely concealed horror as he smirks and asks “recovering from surgery?”