
I watched a guy do this just last weekend at the entrance of my apartment complex’s parking garage. It didn’t go nearly as disastrously, but I did literally watch him bump the clearance bar ... and then keep going until the he banged the roof against the entrance.

I always saw it as an attempt at immersion, which admittedly works better for some games than others. I don’t really “like” it, but I also don’t like being on the brink of death, so it seems to work as it’s supposed to.

It’s going to be ok.

When you have to repeatedly declare victory, maybe you aren’t actually winning.

You’re projecting again. And I know what Gish Gallop means. But by all means, count up our respective “personal attacks” and show the score.

Yeah ... but you’re not writing an article for Kotaku, are you?

The game was designed to include it. Taking it out changes the whole thing. It would make it absurdly easy.

Removing impact damage wouldn’t make Hollow Knight a better game, it would just make it easier and different. And it’s remarkably easy to argue that removing impact damage would make Hollow Knight a worse game.

“Intended” is carrying a whole lot of weight in your “reasoning.”

Yeah, I don’t need a more compelling argument because yours remains blaming your failures on the game’s design rather than your lack of skill.

It wasn’t hard in the wrong way. It was just hard in a way you didn’t like. And that “way” was that enemies damage you when you touch them, which is arguably the most traditional video game rule in existence.

What a strange thing to get upset about. 

It’s really strange that you describe this as a design misstep. It’s ok to simply not be very good at a game. Your failure doesn’t mean the game’s design is bad.

I agree, it feels like a rushed add-on more than an actual integral part of the game. I think it’d probably work better if they just took it out entirely and treated cops like any other gangland NPC — if they personally see you doing something they’ll react, but otherwise out of sight, out of mind. 

I’ve put many hours into it on PS5 and I’ve really enjoyed it despite its flaws. It definitely could use some improvement, but even with its flaws (and way too common crashes) it’s a fun experience.

Yeah, I had to read through most of the story before finally understanding that this person wasn’t physically in the White House briefing room. 

To each their own. I’d much rather play this than a 3-D Metroid. I’m also old enough to have played the original when it was the only Metroid. 

I would kill for another legitimate 2D Metroid. 

They’re not selling the digital version anymore either. Read the article. 

At Activision Blizzard, Bulatao will oversee the Call of Duty Endowment, which is a veteran-focused non-profit