“It’s their money, they earned it, they can spend it however they want, they owe nothing to anybody else!” — middle-class Republican Christians
“It’s their money, they earned it, they can spend it however they want, they owe nothing to anybody else!” — middle-class Republican Christians
WTF are you talking about?
It is such a strange criticism, and revealing.
White privilege run amok combined with pseudo-intellectualism that’s off the charts.
It’s a sign of somebody trying to repeat something they don’t actually understand. They know what point they trying to make — in this case, “Joe Biden is corrupt and bad! — but they’re trying to describe it based on what they kind of heard and barely remember and don’t at all actually comprehend.
That’s not really very useful. We already know the redhats believe that Trump has absolute power and the only “problem” is that others don’t respect that dangerous absurdity.
I’ve suspected it’s to drown out the actual questions so when he doesn’t actually answer them it’s nearly impossible to tell. That way all we get is whatever propaganda he wants to spew, which the mainstream media dutifully disseminates.
It reads like a Trump thought. It started as one thing — whatever “Aside from Warren” was going to be — and devolves into a lazy putdown of Biden’s wishy-washy half-baked healthcare plan. Might as well have ended it “Obama Netflix.”
No shit. Does Paul know that there are other podcasts?
including the Pod Save America boys, who are definitively the biggest chodes in the world of podcasting.
I think she’s got a little Sister Sarah in her.
Here’s just one fun story: in 2012, when Waldman was in student government at the University of Florida, she came under fire when she and another student were seen throwing away hundreds of copies of the school’s newspaper the evening before student government elections.
You should begrudge Takashi’s success.
This guy’s going to enter witness protection and assume a new identity?
You know who else enjoyed persecuting the homeless?
I really want to play this. A Link to the Past is one of my favorite games of all time. But I just can’t justify paying $60 for the experience. It just feels like too much for what is still, at its heart, a Gameboy game.
It is remarkable how “electability” only applies to Democrats.