It is strange though. “Muh 401k!” remains an extremely popular talking point among the Trump supporters that still try to pretend they don’t like Trump personally but still support him for reasons.
It is strange though. “Muh 401k!” remains an extremely popular talking point among the Trump supporters that still try to pretend they don’t like Trump personally but still support him for reasons.
I think it may be even simpler than that. For many Americans, if they personally hold a job and can pay their monthly bills, then the economy is going fine and they’ll indicate as much to a pollster. This is then reinforced by skimming headlines about a rising stock market and low unemployment.
Argentina’s stock market collapsed because of the surprise primary election loss of its current president to a disciple of its former leftist leadership.
Correct. Conservatives only see the free market as a solution when it supports whatever solution that conservatives prefer. When the free market works against conservatives’ preferred outcome, conservatives turn against the free market.
They’re gaslighting history itself, with the goal of misinforming some of the people — predominantly their own base of white nationalists — all of the time.
It’s almost as if they don’t want to hide it.
It’s new, even more racist Tomato alias. Report and ignore.
So Cuchinelli decided projecting white supremacy onto the Statue of Liberty was the way to go? Bold move, Cooch.
He was/is also the opinion editor at the execrable Washington Times. He’s a terrible hack and an apologist for Republican racism.
You washed your underwear alongside the plates you ate food off of?
Ha, every time I’ve done the same with him I get burned. Now I presume the worst on this stuff and I find my batting average has shot up.
I see where you’re going, but given that overt hypocrisy has never slowed Trump down before and that blatant hamhanded projection is the rule with him, I now suspect that his name is on those private jet logs to the island, probably even more than Clinton’s.
Fair enough. I’ve just sadly found that in the Trump era, Occam’s Razor has been increasingly replaced by Murphy’s Razor — the worst explanation is usually the correct one.
Hey, fair enough on what you like and don’t like regarding Deadspin content. But again, I don’t see why it rings hollow. If a former alcoholic is telling me about the dangers of drinking, why would I think his criticisms of drinking ring hollow?
He specifically mentioned the island unprompted because he definitely went there and fucked underage girls there.
So anybody that’s ever done something wrong cannot criticize anybody else for doing something wrong in the future? Wouldn’t that be convenient for current wrongdoers.
I didn’t really mean to come after you specifically with that, but that is pretty much exactly what you did in the first sentence. Criticizing Barstool for doing Bad Thing X in 2019 is not the same as the critic doing Bad Thing X a decade-plus ago, and I don’t see how it makes the critic look silly.
We were “arguing?” I offered my opinion with by openly admitting “I have no proof” for it.