
Positive about what, using the maimed survivors of yet another mass shooting as a transparently ghoulish political photo op? 

So hey, mainstream media, the White House flacks (again) straight up lied to your face. What are you going to do about it?

Sadly, I think Bardella’s analysis is correct. It’s not that Breitbart’s brand of extremist right-wing hate politics became less popular, it’s that Breitbart’s success peddling such hate created increased competition in that space.

Imagine what a pathetic snowflake one has to be to get triggered by people acknowledging that sometimes minorities are hurt and killed for being minorities, and for not giving hetero white males enough super-special attention.

I’m going with “sibling” for the time being. 

I immediately assumed that his sibling being among the dead was relevant to his motive, and this only bolsters this belief, particularly paired with the knowledge of his misogyny in other aspects of his life. 

Nobody is advancing that argument in good faith, because it crumbles as soon as the question of what “leftist” opinions or policies motivated his violence.

I inferred that the parentheses were to avoid confusion over who was being referenced. Some of us older folk that are striving to be woke still nonetheless struggle a bit with keeping track of the pronouns, particularly in a context that involves people of different genders. 

Are Renaissance festivals hotbeds of poly-amory? Asking for a friend and another friend and a few others. 

Somebody else (maybe it was Douthat himself?) once described him as the guy that was 50 years old when he was 15. 

Needlessly using $5 words is how one becomes a high-falutin’ conservative intellectual. That and dutifully repeating the same tired old propaganda to preserve the status quo from the growing hordes of liberals and brown people, of course.

JFC that excerpt is nauseating. From the way he enthusiastically describes Buckley’s teams of servants to his ultra-WASPY New England lifestyle, Ross is disgustingly wet for that old racism-denying bastard.

You hear that guys? We should be thanking the mega-rich for the crumbs they bestow upon us so they can pay less in taxes.

Look at this point-missing bootlicking turd referring to a black football player’s boss as “his owner”:

I saw this manifesting on message boards a couple years ago already:

I’ll hope by now we all recognize the pattern the fascists use now.

Why would you be so scared to publicly show your support for a political candidate?

And within a day of this, too:

No, even that is not doxxing. Doxxing is publishing the personal information of somebody that intended to be anonymous. If I could somehow access your real name and published it here, that would be doxxing.

Ignoring fascists does not in any way make them less powerful. Ignoring them is to appease them. Their goal isn’t to attract attention, it’s to consolidate power.