If playing VR during the day sets off your paranoia, how the hell do you sleep at night?
If playing VR during the day sets off your paranoia, how the hell do you sleep at night?
What would be the real consequences for Trump and Co. to simply ignore the SCOTUS ruling and include? Sure they’d be more lawsuits, but would there ever be any actual, tangible consequences?
I actually just played Symphony for the first time recently. (It came out in the gap between my adolescent heyday of SNES and picking up video games again after college.) It’s basically SuperMetroid with a Castlevania skin and some Final Fantasy elements introduced on the back-end.
You think cyclists don’t understand that they’re in danger? What kind of condescending bullshit is this?
Sure, because since a person with $1 worth of assets numerically has more wealth than a person in debt, the comparison of three ultra-wealthy individuals possessing more wealth than the bottom half of the American population is meaningless.
So you think Bernie is being misleading because you assume other people are going to conflate wealth with income?
Ok, they are gaslighting us. In this entry:“Well, President Trump, you’re not standing up for working families when you try to throw 32 million people off their health care that they have and that 83 percent of your tax benefits go to the top 1 percent. That’s how we beat Trump: We expose him for the fraud that he is.”
Haha, good catch. How the hell is that misleading?
What is confusing about the simple, true statement that “Three people in this country own more wealth than the bottom half of America”? Nobody is confusing wealth with income in that comparison, except the people that are desperately trying to deem the comparison invalid or meaningless for whatever reason.
Averages has nothing to do with what Bernie said, though.
Did you just ask who can tell what is real or not?
This should be highlighted and repeated. There is virtually no difference between the Trumpers and the #NeverTrumpers. They are all Republicans. They support the exact same shitty regressive Republican policies.
This only works for conservatives.
MLK isn’t famous because he was murdered.
So now we’re criticizing candidates for declining to engage in superficial pandering and a silly photo op?
Refusing to improve society because some people might have to find a new job is absurd.
Sadly, voting just became less important, since the Supreme Court has now sanctioned districting people that aren’t in your party out of electoral existence.
“If you don’t like partisan gerrymandering, change the law by winning elections you are being institutionally prevented from winning.” — John Roberts, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.
This chyron is killing me. How stupid do you have to be to not immediately see the flaw in that “logic,” and then immediately give the side-eye to the criminal attempting it?
Like you give a shit about the meaningfulness of her protest.