
This is a theory that I’ve seen advanced by others over the last couple years, basically that Trump has cash flow issues. A lot of his actions would indicate that he needs a steady supply of cash to keep up payments on debts (very likely the kind you can’t default on) and other expenses.

At least they wouldn’t lose their access to healthcare. 

Yes, the massive overhead involved with choosing, maintaining and processing employee health insurance and all related costs would be virtually eliminated.

She bursts a lot of bubble beliefs about who should and shouldn’t be smart and respectable. Latina women who aren’t rich and didn’t attend elite schools and worked menial labor jobs in their recent past are not supposed to be intelligent and certainly aren’t to be respected and listened to. 

More or less. They are gaslighting the hell out of us at every possible turn with arguments that resonate with their Fox/radio-addled base.

I believe this is what happens when a Republican attempts to appeal to “the youths.” They tie a bunch of dated cultural references to their bullshit du jour and present it to a nearly empty room. 

Popular uprisings are almost always terrible for most involved. Film and literature have made them seem romantic, but they usually consist of a series of violent and deadly atrocities that leave a lot of innocent people dead and often end with even worse leadership and government.

Don’t forget, this a Republican filing a report with another Republican about other Republicans. It’s Republicans all the way down.

Which universe are you describing, and how do I get there? Because in this reality, the decline of unions has had very little to do with managers showing more respect to their employees. 

I understand all that now. I literally learned something from this article. I was ignorant before and now I am less ignorant.

Jesus, calm the fuck down. I didn’t know that getting chicken pox increased your chances for shingles later on.

Isn’t exposing your child to a (presumably) milder form of a virus in order to inoculate them from worse illnesses later in a life a de facto vaccination?

Donkey Kong Jr. and Rampage did it before DK Country. 

I’ve always thought that was the point of the game — picking what you think the other person will think is funny rather than what you think is funny.

LOL at the idea of a rich status-seeking family allowing their Instagram daughter to go to juco. 

Nah, it just shows that an education from a prestigious university isn’t any more difficult than most other accredited universities. People are paying for the fancy name and the fancier connections. 

Fun fact: A standard university curriculum, even at the fanciest colleges, isn’t all that difficult. Class-skipping mediocrities can usually eke out passing grades in most courses. You pretty much have to actively try to actually flunk out of an elite university once you’re accepted into their ranks.

On most of these “Rich people are terrible and corrupt” stories, it usually feels to me like the national mainstream media — comprised mostly of rich people itself — really makes an extra effort to act shocked and appalled so that the peasants don’t get the idea that these kids of things are common and known. 

“As if it’s a big plus that he reads books,” a man who’s never read a book might say.

2.) Why the fuck is Wohl even able to do these things, after he tried to frame Robert Mueller? Were there seriously no reasons for charging him with crimes after that bullshit?