
The combat in Hollow Knight is wonderful, especially after you get some of the upgrades.

Never forget: Most major league baseball players are blithering morons.

What shit has Ted Cruz actually gotten done during his time in Congress, though?

She was raised not far from me.
She went to the University of Iowa, just like me.
Mollie went for a run on one of those sleepy Iowa farm roads I grew up on.
How is it possible that the sub-human horror of the third-world can find its way to the peaceful farm communities of my upbringing?

Anybody that’s pirating games on the Switch would not have bought the games months ago for a $15 discount.

Anybody that’s pirating games on the Switch would not have bought the games months ago for a $15 discount.

Actually, Trump would usually settle because he’d either lose in court, or his opponent couldn’t afford a strung-out legal battle. 

Agreed. Also, just avoid the issue altogether by not using the amorphous term “alt-right.” He’s a racist misogynist bigot that regularly espouses horrible views and lies almost as much as our president. And inviting him along on your bus tour means that you implicitly endorse his views.

So I assume the “logic” will go like this:

How the hell is this guy not rotting in some windowless prison cell yet? I know he’s a rich white guy, but shit, his avoidance of accountability at this point is legitimately impressive. 

Even if such tapes do exist, I don’t see what that will change. Reasonable people already know Trump is racist.

I understood it be arguing that focusing on whether the racist president once said something really racist on tape is more important than the administration revoking security clearances from its critics. Which I strongly disagree with.

Exactly. A tape of Trump saying the N-word won’t make a bit of difference. We already know he’s racist. If anything, such a tape will just strengthen his support. 

Revoking Brennan’s security clearance and revealing a de facto enemy’s list is a much bigger deal than whether a clearly racist president once said a racist word on tape. We all know that Trump is racist, and definitely uses the N-word. If the press keeps pushing on that, and it comes out that yes, he did in fact use

It’s not about incumbency, it’s about the perception that Kobach is an extremist, and Colyer, by comparison, is a moderate (even though he is definitely not moderate), which would give “moderate” Republicans the excuse they needed to avoid voting Dem. Now they have to find another excuse. 

You left out that Kansans reelected Brownback after he destroyed the state’s budget because the Dem candidate once went to a strip club in his 20s.

Native but former Kansan here.

Bothsiderism is tired and exposed in 2018. In no reality, and certainly not in Kansas, is the Democratic candidate equally as bad as Kris Kobach.

Orman will more likely steal votes from the Democrat. That’s the point. 

Colyer is a Brownback Republican. Only in the extremely shifted Overton window of 2018 does he qualify as the “relative sanity” Republican.

I’m old enough to remember when we Democrats were cheering for Trump to win the Republican nomination, because even though he was the worst possible human that could become president of the most powerful country in the world, he was so terrible and extreme it meant he’d get trounced in a general election.