If you prefer the iPad to the Pixelbook, fair enough, but Google Assistant is better than Siri at virtually everything and that’s not a subjective opinion.
If you prefer the iPad to the Pixelbook, fair enough, but Google Assistant is better than Siri at virtually everything and that’s not a subjective opinion.
Fuck you, nazi.
They are intentionally tearing apart families to serve as a deterrent. And because they see immigrants as subhumans.
You are a liar.
Trump has openly supported summary executions of drug dealers, and we know he has used “drug dealers” as a synonym for “Mexican” and “immigrant” in the past.
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.”
“Her office said this wk she’s been working - holding staff mtgs on initiatives/long-term planning.”
He’s not a rando, though, that’s the point. He’s a political candidate that, again, sounds remarkably similar to “mainstream” Republicans who currently control our government.
If the WR already has the ball, though — as Durant did — and a defender plants himself in the path of the WR to purposefully disrupt his route, that’s commonly called “playing defense” and is the point of the fucking game.
This story is about a nazi pedophile that is justifying his run for office using the same themes and slogans as our nation’s president and the current majority party in Congress. I’d say it’s pretty newsworthy.
“A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it,” he told HuffPost. “People prefer when there’s an outsider who doesn’t have anything to lose and is willing to say what’s on a lot of people’s minds.”
No, they’re trying to create a better life for their child by fleeing worse conditions. What is wrong with you?
The Obama administration was not intentionally separating children from their parents as a form of deterrence. You are intentionally spreading a Trump lie. What is wrong with you?
I strongly suspect she was being pressured by TNT, who is owned by Time Warner, who is courting the Trump admin to approve their merger with AT&T.
You nailed the messaging on this in your opening line that the Democrats would have been using yesterday if they had were a goddam functional political party.
I think D’Souza is a bit more well-known in Republican circles than that. He’s been making popular right-wing propaganda since the Clinton administration.
So Republicans definitely rigged the voting counts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio, right? I mean, based on the Trump Rule of Projection, where he is inevitably guilty of exactly what he’s accusing others of doing, this is the only reasonable conclusion, correct? He didn’t even not win the popular vote,…
“I’ve never even seen Seinfeld—not just the arc in which Hernandez dates Elaine, but any episode at all.”
That woman sure is suffering from a lot of economic angst.
They’ll just lie about it. They’ll claim they never watch ESPN anymore because of all the “liberal BS,” yet they’ll still have strong opinions on all the sports stories covered on that day’s SportsCenter.