
Reaching back to my dim brief memories of college before I dropped out, there is nothing transphobic in the monologues. One of them does get criticized sporadically because it's spoken by a woman recounting the first positive sexual experience of her life in circumstances that are technically statutory rape (an older

I want him to kiss meeeeeeeee

" Fake Obama curses him out and hangs up. Typical fake Obama."

For when you'd really just rather he walk away.

I am an Old, and Southern, and a mother: basically a demographic that would be expected to be offended by the website. Instead, I am grateful for any depiction of a woman's body in which the body is depicted as belonging to HER, not to someone else - do you know what I mean? The normalization of what actual women ac


I have witnessed many things divide the readership of this community apart (the scarred carcasses that scattered the horizon during the Team Dog vs. Team Cat Wars still haunt my memory) but nothing has ever torn people apart more than Gone Girl.

I wish Ann Curry well. I also wish someone would pay me a lot of money to go away. In my career, I've gone away for free, more than once.

don't forget - there is always room at my Epic Slumber Party of Epicness where we will prank call the shit out of Matt Lauer.

I hope things work out for her. But more importantly, I hope that one day, through a wonderful twist of fate, she ends up in a position to be Matt Lauer's boss and she makes him beg for forgiveness on his belly.

Hahaha yes my first thought was "why would you waste your weeeeeeeeeeeeed???" Not only was I broke as a kid but my connections were dubious at best

As a 4th grade teacher, I can assure you that we do absolutely nothing in class worth murdering me over. I do confiscate those little plastic pencil sharpeners you've managed to loosen the blade of, so maybe you're still pissed about that.

I thought of a friend, who is a fourth grade teacher, when I read this headline. She is allergic to all sorts of chemicals, hand sanitizer being one of them. It's awful. Like throat-closing allergic. Laundry soap, perfume, shampoo, you name it, it makes her very sick. But her doctors can't pinpoint the exact

My dad tried to kill one of his teachers when he was a kid. If I remember the story right, he and his friend baked her a cake with household cleaning products in it. She didn't eat it because she wasn't an idiot. When he told this story to my sisters and me we were horrified, but whenever he told it around people who

Looks like they've made a clean getaway.

"You little imp! *pinches cheek* Stop trying to murder your teacher! Now take this brand new Xbox and go play with your co-conspirators...I mean friends. Go play with your friends." *hides all the knives*

Am I a hopeless fuddy-duddy for refusing to get on Team Salad Tossing? I just...fecal-oral bacterial transmission, you guys. C. diff is no fucking joke.