Flowbee B.

We focus a lot on police and racism, for obvious reasons, so sometimes we forget that police treat women pretty shitty as well.

Yes, that was pretty passive-aggressive and entitled, and perhaps low-key racist. I feel as if people like to try black people and then act afraid, b/c they know authorities will back them up (OMG, the scary black man looked at me, shoot him!)

I don’t think it’s a matter of “I’m worried I’ll hit that”, it’s more of a “I’m worried someone will think I’m hitting that”.

I think there is more to this than fear of someone assuming that they’re having an affair.

It’s the Ed Martin thing. Really. Martin is a dude that helps out a ton of poor kids in Detroit, and Webber fucked him over, big time.

Thing is, Austin isn’t as “weird” or progressive as many think. Sure the people here are cool and the music, food, and art scenes ain’t bad neither, but the politics aren’t exactly radical. For Texas, maybe, but the city isn’t run by a bunch of dumpster diving polyamorous freegans or something. This doesn’t really

“I know it’s a little bit racist but it’s not.”

Defamation won’t be a hurdle for rape survivors - it will be a warning for journalists who don’t even try to talk to alleged rapists, or check with fraternities for something as simple as when their parties are. If I understand the law correctly, it’s not even an issue for journalists who make a good faith effort to

No. These are demonstrably false allegations against UVA and it’s employees. They’re the actual victims here, not the hypothetical future victim you’ve imagined.

When you spoil a child and tell them how amazing they are for their entire lives, they become raging victims when anyone questions their perfection. The same is true when you spoil an entire population. White men have been told, in word and deed, that they are the best relative to their race and gender for their

Jameis Winston employs common legal strategy instead of making the writer happy by pleading guilty.

Winston has been cleared 3 times.
1. by TPD

Gee, I wonder why people who work and live in heavily military communities often have an unfavorable opinion of the average servicemember, while people 500 miles from the nearest base whose closest relation to the military is their stepbrother’s nephew who did 18 months in the Coast Guard and got an other than

On a small level I can relate to this. I’m a progressive, liberal, thoughtful, feminist person (etc., etc., etc.) and I work in the social media space. And sometimes, things I tweet about things we do get misconstrued. I know that SOUNDS like just an excuse, but it isn’t. You have 140 characters or less, people don’t

If Michelle Beadle were truly an independent voice she would call out her former co-host on Sports Nation Colin Cowherd for some the shit he’s said about John Wall and the late Sean Taylor. Oh not to mention her unprofessional behavior at the ESPY’s a few years back. But hey she’s a white woman so move along nothing

Cory Booker is cut from the very same corporatist cloth as the Clintons. He’s a complete fraud.

For as much public adulation that Clinton gets, he really has a fucking awful legacy in a lot of areas.

I reported my college ID stolen (taken off of a cafeteria tray I had forgotten to grab before dropping it off to be cleaned off). I went out of town that weekend with the Marching Band. I get back on Sunday night and the police arrived at my dorm...not with my ID but rather to question me. Seems like the dirt bag who

I think the number of people holding their nose and voting for Hillary will far outnumber those supporting her ecstatically.

Interesting article - I think it’s also important to consider not only how men continue to view women’s success, but how women view men’s success, and how this can impact those attitudes.