Flowbee B.

This so much. Megyn is adept at addressing issues that affect Megyn.

And by “taking people to task” you mean gently ribbing them on issues that affect her and white women like her, right? A bigot is a bigot is a bigot and Jez readers’ hard on for her wont ever change that. More importantly as a black guy I don’t have the privilege of just writing bigoted shit stains off as “having an

Lets not lump Megyn Kelly in the not a major asshole/bigot group with Smith. She fits in just fine at Fox

It’s a slave movie yeah, but it’s a slave movie about a bad ass real black woman who saved HERSELF- and then went back to save others. Harriet Tubman is such a great part I'm surprised they didn't offer it to Jennifer Lawrence.

You are being willfully ignorant if you disagree with the assessment that mainstream culture adopts black culture and makes it “cool.”

Tidal is a flop for the exact reason that Ben Gibbard said it would: because they completely made it look like a bunch of rich guys angry they don’t have their money, instead of what it really should be about: the upcoming and poor musicians getting their proper cut of the revenue. It’s hard to feel sympathy for that

That there isn’t enough evidence to bring any charges doesn’t mean the killing was “just.” The “hands up don’t shoot” narrative was incorrect, sure, but whether Brown was actually ‘charging’ Wilson, as he claimed, remains very unclear and even witness accounts that are supported by the physical evidence conflict on

Things like this is why I know lynchings and racial terrorism will become common place again in America during the Mid Century. So many White People NEED it in their lives. They are defined by their Whiteness.

“Homophobia, vandalism, racism, all on a Sunday”

I come from a ranching family in Mexico (though I was born here), so we don’t really see animals in the same way that the dominant group in the US sees them. My dad used to go in the back of the ranch to shoot dogs that were no longer useful. He used to do the same to feral cats because they would kill the chickens

That song will always remind me of Mark Wahlberg fingerbanging Reese Witherspoon on a roller coaster.

Co-signed. They made that song into something special

I was absolutely rooting for her, and I loved the ending (somebody above said it was "mischievously misandrist" and that is perfect). But I can also see how it could be framed as an MRA "women are awful manipulative bitches, and that's how you know she passed the test because that's what it means to be a human woman"

Yeah, no, I didn't pick up on that at all. Maybe I've read too much queer-feminist theory, but what I saw was two men struggling for supremacy over one another with a highly sexualized fembot to mediate the conflict. She was — quite literally — an object serving as a placeholder. That she ends up being murderous

Ha! That's interesting—I thought it was even more than an undercurrent. I thought it was pretty much the most feminist film I've seen in mainstream cinema for a very, very long time. It's basically a paean to female autonomy and personhood. Totally subversive and strange and mischievously misandrist. I loved it.

Damn you Zack Snyder for leveraging color grading as part of the experience of motion story telling! Don't you know it should always be unicorns and rainbows irrespective of the story you are trying to tell?

I LOVED it! Incredibly well done. Super clever, tense, twisty, excellent thriller. I have a lot of conflicting thoughts about the feminism of it, which I agree is there, but I might need to see it again to organize my thoughts. Also, it was surprisingly funny. I didn't really expect that. Oscar Isaac cracked me up

I saw Ex Machina last Friday, and I did not recognize Oscar Isaac at all. I think the only other thing I've seen him in is A Most Violent Year, and the following things are true:

Ex Machina opened in the UK a couple of months ago, and after seeing the adverts for it, I was a bit of a skeptic. Then Mark Kermode, a properly progressive, feminist movie reviewer for the BBC said it was strange and rich and interesting, and I thought, well......maybe.