Will League 46 include Bernie Sanders, the candidate that young voters overwhelmingly supported in the primary?
Will League 46 include Bernie Sanders, the candidate that young voters overwhelmingly supported in the primary?
Millenials and gen-z don’t show up to the polls. We were spoilt for choice yet the primaries were decided by older folks. All those tweets and facebook posts amounted to nothing for Bernie Sanders. Young women barely cast a glance at Elizabeth Warren. Julian Castro never even registered. In the UK, the youth led…
Hopefully he doesn’t spend a lot of valuable time and resources winning over a demographic that, regardless of what they claim in comment sections, or on Twitter ... barely votes, if at all.
Will League 46 include Bernie Sanders, the candidate that young voters overwhelmingly supported in the primary?
In fact, Biden is reportedly fairing worse than Hillary Clinton with the under-40 set: His lead among 18 to 34-year-olds is narrower than Clinton’s was to President Trump during the last stretch of the 2016 election cycle.
I think women (and, well, everyone I guess) should be listened to. I do not think women should be blindly and indiscriminately believed.
As a person living at the crossroads of these identities, this is a painful but necessary conversation. It’s time, I think, for people to do better, including white women who call themselves feminists.
I’ve thought a lot about your comment because I’ve always found “Believe Women” problematic as well for the reasons you mentioned but also because our country has always “believed” certain women over others. Our history is full of examples of white women being believed because they accused a man of color of assaulting…
I agree with the gist of your argument and I agree that the rush to indict via the press is not great. I wish the press had done a better job at vetting Tara Reade and had presented her full past and then allowed the public to make up their minds. I think she’s troubled and I don’t believe her story. The woman in this…
I also think stuff like this (and especially the comment section) should also decry or at least question the “Not All Men” phrase because for all the criticism to that response, as soon as white women get called out, the “Not all White Women” defense comments come out like a freakin flood.
Let’s be honest in many cases people dont even listen or acknowledge women of color when it comes to “believe women”
It’s so maddening because 99% of women do not lie about these things. Then one dumb shit white woman goes on camera lying about these things and suddenly every WOC who comes forward with her #MeToo story is suspect.
My favorite response you’ve gotten is the idiot mansplaining what “Believe Women” is SUPPOSED to mean.
I would disagree. White women want to cry sexism over “Karen”. But, benevolent sexism allowed them to skate by in their roles in the racist history of this country and in perpetuating institutional racism now. Experiencing oppression is not a get out of jail card for being an oppressor to other people. Some black men…
This. Plus, it just gave ammunition to the MAGAts to gaslight liberals.
#BelieveWomen is a lot easier for people to understand than #GiveAccusationsMadeByWomenMoreCredenceSinceSomeAuthorityFiguresAreOverlyDismissiveButKeepInMindThatDueProcessIsImportantAndPeopleAlsoLieAndWeHaveALongHistoryOfWhereUnprovenAccusationsHaveLedToJailtimeAndDeathForTheWronglyAccused.
That’s not the worst apology I’ve ever seen (low bar), but the bit about her privilege blinding her to the fact that for some other groups the police are not just a benign protection agency is patent bullshit. She makes a point of saying to this guy that she is going to call the police and tell them an “African…
Life-long, card-carrying black person here. I. Do. Not. Care. And no lies were told.
I was coming here to write something similar. I understand the sentiment of “believe all women,” but always found it naive, as with so many trending hashtags/social media movements....You can’t just make unverified/uncorroborated accusations about sexual assault or any other crime for that matter...and sexual crimes…
He comes the intrepid Bernie supporters still promoting these anti Biden attacks. What’s their motivation. Is it their undying support for victims of sexual assault and women’s right in general. Sure Jan. If they were honest these attacks have nothing to do with women’s rights. This character assassination was hatched…