
When the first PSP came out it was pretty impressive for a hand-held. Sadly, Sony's business model and slow game distribution and licensing habits crippled the device in a market place dominated by the flexible monster that is Nintendo Corp. After a year on the market, the biggest audience were people hacking their

This is dumb, a waste of money, pointless... and i want it.

To think that crap games like angry birds get more downloads then a gem like this is beyond me.

I think its time to give the New New York idea from Futurama a look-see.

@Stevox: Destruction of money is a federal crime. All American currency is the property of the government.

But it costs 3¢ to print a $100 bill.

@Kardster: By making their own announcement they don't let the story fall through the cracks.

I can see it now. Gamer tag "Chr15_H4ns0n" asking master chief to sit right over there.

This is so pointless it makes my brain hurt.

@wakers01: I'm at work or else I would. Just found out today:

Errm... I've got one of these in my closet right now. Seriously.

If these were the original cuts of the original trilogy I'd pay more than $90. I do not, however, see the point in dishing cash for a high-res creative abortion.

@Dancing Milkcarton: Agreed. The app development problem will also prove a challenge to the new WP7 platform. A common, shareable application filetype would be a godsend.

Crippling the device's OS is disappointing, but the hardware is sexy as mess. Not a fan of ANOTHER app market tho. Keeping up with iOS apps and Android apps are keeping me plenty busy as-is.

Suicide: the permanent solution to temporary problems.

@snake6778: Agreed. If I asked my pops for cash for something like this I'd walk away with a fat lip and a sermon.

I don't see what the benefits of this could be. Walmart has huge bottles of shampoo/body wash for less than $3. While I'm sure excessive shampooing can dry out your scalp, I'd much rather have smooth, fresh hair in the morning than wrestle with grease and a pimpley forehead. As for soap, everyone's different. I know