I never understood the minecraft movement.
I never understood the minecraft movement.
I'd rather fart my way to the office bathroom, thanks.
because little music artists have the kind of following that one of the most popular comedians of all time enjoys. pull your head out of your ass. I have close friends in the music business that make zero (0) income off album sales directly because of illegal downloads. I'm not for PIPA and SOPA, but I'm also not for…
Allow me to sum up this article:
cuz its cool to suspect even the most menial of videos as being fakes
I have a google reader list to read longer than my arm. After reading post after post about Mr. Jobs' passing and moving misty-eyed on to the tech news from earlier in the day I find myself wondering, what's the point? Tech news in a post-Jobs era seems bleak right now.
and I from my iMac.
They're probably using the smaller android market as a UI testing ground before releasing en masse via iOS
Its an instance that builds a pattern of immitation that can be used in legal battles to establish that companies are attempting to stir "confusion amoungst customers", which is basically when a company designs a product/packaging/accessories to look similar to a successful competitors in an attempt to piggy back off…
Its an instance that builds a pattern of immitation that can be used in legal battles to establish that companies are attempting to stir "confusion amoungst customers", which is basically when a company designs a product/packaging/accessories to look similar to a successful competitors in an attempt to piggy back off…
This is an absolutely spot-on observation. Its not a single infraction that can lead to accusations of immitation, its a pattern. Clearly the images in the gallery point to a pattern (that's also seen in some of Samsung's Galaxy S series).
I'm thoroughly impressed! this kid's got patience coming out his ear holes.
I bought a TouchPad for my wife for $130 and now she wants an iPad. She got bored with it after a week. I'm guessing it will be a similar story with the Fire.
The white house brews their own honey ale. The Obama's purchased the gear themselves and they're the first to ever do it while in presidency. Apparently its quite tastey! source: [www.cbsnews.com]
Yeah I'd think long an hard about that. I got my wife one of those fire sale HP touchpads so she would stop stealing my ipad but it hasn't worked. Now she wants an ipad even more. And its all because of the apps.
I came to the same conclusion. By the end of this article I was noting how shallow the author is and feeling for the poor guy that got stuck on a date with her.
I've got $1M to offer if you can prove my god doesn't exist.
too true, brother