
@Yeah!: This is why magazines are doomed. I found it ironic that gizmodo, the reason I cancelled all my tech magazines, is reporting on the failure of print publications.

Why would I pay for content that I can get elsewhere (or at least comparable content) for free? If a magazine was to do well on a portable device, that same device can't have internet connectivity (and if that's the case, it won't sell. So poo on that.).

Big camera? Meh. Schientists fired a rocket into a storm cloud so that it would be struck by freaking lightning?? That's cool.

One more thing to forget as I'm running out the door in the morning.

I feel like if my history book had been laid out as a single, huge infographic I would have learned a whole lot more in school.

As a mac user, this list blows chunks. My galaxy S can't stream movies from my computer. The iPhone has been able to do this with airvideo for a while now. Life was so much better when all my devices had that fruit on the back...

@curlymeatball38: Yea. I'd say the artist was 'inspired' (i.e. ripped off) by a Threadless t-shirt

@mrm: Amen. Spot on, good chap.


If the point to this is to keep you from having to take your gloves off to use the phone, how do you launch the app?

@olternaut: While its unsightly, the bezel really works well as a surface to safely rest a supporting thumb. I'd hate to imagine using my iPad without it.

@commander_k: I absolutely agree. Tron sucked, Tron 2 isn't breaking any records, stop trying to make a bigger deal of this than there has to be.

I agree with the theater's decision. I don't care who the guy is. If I payed $13 for a ticket I want to watch the movie without the guys back lighting up three rows in front of me. Call me old fashioned.

Just thinking about working by LED light gives me a headache. Until modern lighting can match the tone and color of fluorescent lighting, I'll sit these out.

I'm still waiting on the flying-car-by-2000 predictions.

First thing I thought of when I saw this chart was investing. I wonder if there's an exercise equipment/gym company that's publicly traded. Buy in in Nov., sell in January, make a few bucks..?

I have trendy friends that don the hipster frames and American Apparel tshirts and I can't imagine a single one of them ever holding an emoticon-riddled phone over their head for any reason.

The documents that were "trying to tell the truth" were all illegally obtained. Its clearly violating Apple's app store policy. I'm surprised it took them this long to take it down. This is a non-story. And Assange is slime.