
I don't really understand Tron Guy's taking responsibility for the 2nd film's popularity. The trailers, music and non-stop barrage of marketing are what made this a big release. Distant memories of laughing at this guy dance about in a suit 2 sizes too small had nothing to do with it. In fact, until this article I'd

I saw this coming from a mile away. This would be why there aren't any character-driven trailers out there. The money went into the special effects, not the writing.

More stuff for me not to buy as I save for the infinite sword. +200 damage ftw.

@kaffenated: Heartily agreed. I'm the definition of "casual gamer" and when I read that this had RPG elements I wasn't entirely thrilled. However, my geek-draw to the graphics drove my purchasing decision and I must say the gameplay is shocking intuitive and leveling up is addicting as hell.

Bravo indeed. Mad props to this psychological MacGyver.

I had an iPhone stolen by the USPS. I sold it on ebay and while the tracking showed it arrived, the buyer never received it. A 3 month battle between me, the USPS and PayPal ensued and I finally got reimbursed for the loss.

@kusotare: Studies show 1% of Android phones are rooted. Of all the people using Android, modders and rooters are the vast minority.

So... Is this guy paying to have his book publicized here?

Cool. Awesome. Nice. What makes this, and most other Android-related news, suck is the fact that not all devices will have this for quite some time. This includes brand new devices like the Galaxy S series.

@FriarNurgle: That was my biggest hurdle with my Granddad. He thought tool bars and task-bar icons were cool. So booting up the computer took 20min and when all the "help" screens finally disappeared it was a mess just finding shortcuts.

@im2fools: "Now you drag this into the folder over here. Wait, what's this picture of a midget do—AAAGH, GRAMPA."

My greatest hurdle to clear when it comes to teaching elderly family about computers is trying to teach them to use the mouse.

I always hit com-opt-esc then tap the enter key twice. Faster than 3 sec. and it never fails. :D

I'm loving the flat cable. My guess is it'd really cut down on my pre-jam untangle sessions.

@MossyPosse: That and, in my opinion, android's got a lot more polishing to do if it wants to hold its own against giants like Apple.

@MossyPosse: I loved my iphone (may it rest in peace)! I got the android 'cuz it was a buck.

I'm so in love with Swype that the lack of a physical keyboard on my Fascinate doesn't bother me in the slightest. I say ditch the extra thickness and learn to deal with touchscreen keyboards. How long until physical buttons are a thing of the past anyways? Adapt, peoples.

I can't for the life of me understand people's fascination with having every detail of their lives publicly accessible. If a friend wants to know where I am its a text away. Services like this seem pointless bordering on egocentric self importance.