
My county stayed blue but I was struck by the thought that if there were so many Trump signs here, we were in big trouble. We had a lot of protest votes/non-voters too.

Well down here in Central Florida I’ve worn a long sleeve shirt a grand total of zero days. Even for CFL that’s not normal.

Yes. This sounds like precisely what happens. My husband rejected every name (it’s stupid, this nickname, I knew an X who sucked) until finally admitting he wanted a IV. So I got ZERO creativity in the actual naming but picked out a pretty solid nickname so there’s that.

my future husband suggested Augustus or Severus to my Henry or Jack. Like I get to pull the ‘I’m the one who’s pushing it out’ card, right? 

Totally fine. He may also have a brother named Soren and a sister named Freya, and I approve.

Definitely will donate!

What an excellent idea, the” here’s how you can help” links—but I also think we need a clearinghouse site: one that hasn’t been created yet.

My reaction as a librarian:

From a friend’s Facebook post:

I’m cool with hunting if people eat what they shoot and have good aim- it’s better than eating sad animals from factory farms.

“...who insists on eating fast food because it’s super-sanitary.”

That is one of the most hideous wedding dresses I’ve ever seen. Jesus.

Trump’s idea of “doing well” means taking rights away from a lot of people. So no, I don’t hope he does well.



Obligatory seconding

Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.

I’m sorry, but who among us would not fuck Harrison Ford, especially Han Solo-Harrison Ford? It is for this reason (as well as murder Hitler when he was just a shitty art student, and someone else I won’t mention in case the Feds are watching) I would build a fucking time machine. To fuck Han Solo/Raiders of the Lost

Effects are already being felt in my sector (non-profit). We are collectively shitting ourselves. Since last Tuesday, there have been press releases, frenzied emails and requests for meetings to strategize. We can’t afford to wait. When they repeal the ACA, there is a going to be a major overhaul of social services