
Blah blah blah I’m happy for them but those quotes are god awful attempted poetry. Like real bad. Her heart is full of deep ocean minerals? What does that even mean??

Firstly: I can’t stand Trump and will never vote for him!

Plus their healthcare costs sound great.

I went to grad school there, the undergrads were so hostile to any and every attempt by campus workers to organize. I have heard Harvard undergrads say incredibly ignorant and cruel things about homeless people and waitresses that would seem like satire if they weren’t uttered with the total conviction of privilege.

I live in Cambridge and believe me, asking for $35K guaranteed a year is asking for NOTHING. Mr. Bennet and I are moving because (combined) we make nearly 3x what they’re asking for and we don’t think we can afford to live here long-term. The school’s behavior is nothing short of disgusting. You can’t require a

Watched the Joneses ads and all I could think was ‘Huh, a Mr. and Mrs. Smith rerun already? This is pointless.’

I believe I saw the trailer and promptly forgot it.
On the other hand I finally watched Spy on HBO this weekend. Wow what a great film, I laughed my butt off. Melissa McCarthy & Paul Feige knocked it out of the park.

Yes to all of this! I find, though, that because I look like the white southerners who make those comments I can ask things like, “Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t understand that? Can you explain?” etc. or pull out the good old “Oh, well, that just doesn’t sound right to me, if ... means ... I’m afraid I disagree” and people

I’m almost more impressed that no one else is breaking character while she’s riffing!

Fuck, this film’s gonna be awesome.

Shirt gown is a pretty apt description of what she’s wearing. The design is pretty simple, but I love the color.

I am 22 which means the NSYNC peak was when I was a kid but Lance Bass was my BAE (only time I’ll use this when not being ironically basic with my best friend) and I had my mom print a photo of him at work (they had the best color printer) and laminate it (can’t have my sweetie tearing at the edges) and I would kiss

I still say his finest role was as Long John Silver in Muppets Treasure Island.

I watched the debate with my husband, whose criticism of Hillary’s performance was that she wasn’t aggressive enough. I tried to explain to him that as the first woman to get to this level in American politics, she’s walking a tightrope between looking too ‘soft’ and being labeled a bitch for being too aggressive. As

He continued, “And you dont even wanna be carpoolin’ no more neither? Whats wrong, man? You too good to ride in my Volvo station wagon? You scared to be seen in a ride thats got ice cream sandwich wrappers on the floor? You aint even real to me no more. You used to be from the streets, man. And I know you seen me at

She should just send Kate McKinnon in her place.