
David Corn wrote a piece for Mother Jones back in April or May that Trump wouldn’t allow anyone on his campaign to conduct opposition research on him.

It’s a trap. She’s got the dentata. I know that look. All is well. She’s one of us.

On the most recent SNL, Kate McKinnon as Kellyanne Conway said, “Trump only did the deaf voice so deaf people could hear him.” And that was supposed to be a joke taking his awfulness ad absurdum. His shittiness can no longer even be exaggerated.

“We welcome the opportunity to have a court set him straight.”

I LOVE the “come at me bro!” ending!!

I guffawed loud on that opening number when Miranda pointed to the picture of Trump and said “...and this piece of shi...”

Remove all the legalese and the NYT letter boils down to: “Bring it on.”

Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.

Gah. My star on your post is really a sad face. You really nailed the difficult balancing act we have to do out of self-preservation.

Years ago when the world was young I had a (married) boss who showed up at my apartment one night, drunk as a lord, eager to relieve me of the burden of not ever having had sex with him. He had been out with some of the other engineers that night, and they’d gotten to talking about me, and he thought he’d just stop by.

“Look, now, I know there’s been some recent allegations into Donald Trump’s past, but the fact of the matter is he’s a new man today. Literally. In 2008, an amoeba that landed on Earth from outer space attached itself to Donald Trump’s brain like a parasite. You ever see that Futurama episode where those stomach worms

Best non-movie operator ever!

There is absolutely NO FUCKING WAY a guy who looked like Jason Momoa but had Trump’s personality would be even halfway decent in bed. Guys like that believe their presence is a gift to you, and you had better be grateful for it. He would probably even be abusive if you went the DIY route. There are an alarming number

Ok, I’ve waited long enough with this. I actually can give a first hand account of how big a douche bro Bushey actually is. I bartended for a few years at a Country Club in Beverly Hills. The members were mainly Hedge Fund Managers and Commercial Real Estate people, not much in the way of celebrities (they actually

Hi Bobby!! I was at a wine-tasting outing this weekend and met a couple who are friends of my best friend. The husband is a commercial pilot and piloted a chartered plane years ago. He didn’t know who the guy was at the time but described him as a big lush as, apparently, an unbelievable amount of alcohol was loaded

Unwanted touching anywhere on your body is assault. I’m sorry that happened to you. Scary! Your friends were probably as shocked as you were.

I saw Tom Hanks ask Billy once on a red carpet if Billy enjoyed being such a prick. It elevated Hanks to another level in my book.

It’s all the senior year swagger, attraction has a lot to do with personality an attitude. Boo was keeping it buttoned up for a while, but now he is just too real and I cannot handle it.

I am living for Senior Week Obama