
This. Aaron Rodgers has spent his life getting good at playing Quarterback, so it stands to reason he’s a reputable expert on the subject. But what is there about 20 years of throwing balls and being hit in the head that makes him an expert about vaccines?

Right? Everyone on both sides of the equation gets fucked.

How about this: Don’t buy American cars. Boycott US manufacturers entirely. Just as most people wouldn’t buy a make based in Russia or a model assembled in North Korea, decent people should avoid purchasing any big-ticket items like vehicles--including EVs--from this fascist country. (You won’t be missing much in

Sure, but at least we’d be able to celebrate Trump’s death.

I’d rather have a Green Hornet replica, over an Eleanor any day of the week.

I’m surprised there’s even a market for new builds in this style. I don’t think anyone under the age of 60 thinks these restomod boomer cars are cool, or at least cool enough to want to buy one. I have to imagine anyone who wants one of these already has one.

You know what CEO’s and by proxy, stockbrokers enjoy? Stability. Having laws, mandates, and policies stay consistent allows you to more accurately predict cash layouts for large projects. Doing a complete 180 every 4 years makes it really hard to figure out where to spend money on long term investments.  You don’t

never sadly

I own a bus with an EV battery (and solar power) for coach use and it’s spectacular. Pushing the industry to move to a shorter range EV drivetrain with a diesel steady state generator would make a brilliant RV. Don’t melt you brakes going down mountain passes. Use the EV battery to run the coach when parked, use the

I could see that after he did a cursory google image search of her.

When the fuck are any of these fucking assholes going to be locked the fuck up?

The next four years are going to be like going to a huge three-ring circus where none of the performers have any training and are also on meth. 

Yep!  If the US government had found evidence of aliens, he would 100% have blabbed it publicly by now.  Ergo, there ain’t any such evidence.

Public hearings would be really compelling entertainment, though. And keep them distracted from doing actual things. 

doubt they could find the word fact in a dictionary

“we are in the midst of a multidecade, secretive arms race.””

part of an arms race against America’s rivals to reverse engineer the exotic machines

In general rail is better for moving freight than trucks, but you still need trucks.  True cross country trucking isnt really a thing, it tends to be internodal.  They swap containers at places.  I dont see them building thousands of miles of new rail lines to hose truckers...its flat out too time consuming.  But then

The average BaT buyer has more money than brains. When it comes to low mile normal stuff it isn’t the best way to shop the market. This is really just a used car.

Perfect example of mistaking rarity for value.  ND