“Or if you don’t mind paying nearly $5 more than California’s average gas price, pull in and knock yourself out.”
“Or if you don’t mind paying nearly $5 more than California’s average gas price, pull in and knock yourself out.”
You have to be the first person I’ve ever come across who finds the E46 their least favorite.
Republicans have shifted away from free market policies and instead want to bully businesses into living in the 20th century.
As someone who badly wants an EV and will be my next car, buying an EV right now is just dumb when depreciation is so high, there are incredible lease deals, and new battery tech is right around the corner. I am not a lease person, but that is what I would do if I needed something now just to bridge until solid state…
Tying it to income doesn’t work. Billionaires “make” less income than most people from all the ways to avoid declaring their income as personal income through trusts, companies expenditures, and etc.
This whiny “rich are being held by different standards than the rest of the world” quote, at the end, from the “campaigners” really adds the hypocrisy of it all too. They want, and receive, special treatment because of their wealth on a daily basis. The idea that they would ever be given “special treatment” that…
That’s why I believe fines should be tied to income. For the uber rich, fines are just the cost of doing business. However, if you change the fines and adjust them with how much they earn, they’ll be singing a different tune. Finland has speeding fines based on income and I’m okay with that. Quit punishing the poor…
Anything that requires creating an account.
Automatic headlights. My problem with them is people keep forgetting whether they are on or off, so people are driving around after dark and thinking their headlights are on but really they aren’t. Or the rain or fogis bad enough that you need headlights, but the light level is just high enough not to trigger them so…
Or perhaps you’re sick to the back teeth of aggressive lane-keeping tech that fights you when you attempt to merge onto the highway
Oh hell yeah. Do this to all the skinny C6's.
The cognitive dissonance on display with that “you can’t not-advertise on my platform” lawsuit from a “free speech absolutist” is truly breathtaking.
Elon’s support of Donald The Felon causing Tesla sales to tank.... Yes Virginia, schadenfreude is the best emotion.
My business professors always used to tell me, “if you’re ever the CEO of a large company with a broad customer base, make sure you get super political. It will do wonders for your sales”
Price. I have an outlet in my garage ready to go. I just cannot justify the price for an EV when it would be our 3rd car for commuting to work and running errands. My wife and I have vehicles for our hobbies and long distance trips. We want the EV to be small and cheap and not a luxury thing. My wife’s family kept an…
For me, I just don’t see the value proposition at this point in time. My current commute is <25 miles round trip, my commuter car gets up to 40 mpg highway, and it has very low maintenance costs. An EV wouldn’t actually be “cheaper to own” once I factored in the higher cost to buy, higher property taxes, higher…
1st Gear: Good.
I’m no Certified Business Genius, but I’ve always thought that a good way to improve one’s stock price is to develop, produce, and then sell desirable products at a price somewhere north of the production costs.
Anyone with half a brain know that the right likes to talk a big game about keeping automotive jobs in the US but what they do is undermine unions any chance they get. Luckily for them, it’s clear that a lot of people in this country don’t have half a brain.
DJT will sell out the UAW in a heartbeat for a buck, then blame “The Dems” for sending manufacturing jobs overseas.