“Literally, like it doesn’t get... You got Tesla and you have the American flag. This thing obviously was built to last.”
“Literally, like it doesn’t get... You got Tesla and you have the American flag. This thing obviously was built to last.”
They’re telling me the cows eat grass. I think, for Hindu that’s not so bad, right? The cows are there, eating grass and it’s a beautiful thing. Hindus understand this very well. Me, I don’t like grass so much but the cows love it! They’re saying it’s much better for the environment than eating meat, so I’m totally…
Damn reasonable price for a damn fine automobile. And a manual Bentley has to the the most Save the Manuals manual transmission car on earth.
I agree there.
When a truck has indicated they want to change lanes, let them AND go one step beyond and give them the double-flash indicating they are safe to do so. Momentum is everything for a vehicle weighing 80,000 lbs. and you may even get rewarded with a double-tap of his brake lights.
I’ll add one related to “Don’t go in to oncoming traffic”:
Don’t get too complacent—Harris hasn’t won yet. Hitler was considering a boob at first—then he drove Germany to complete destruction. And if American Hitler gets back in office (between gerrymandering, Donald-nazis, and christ-nazis; it could well happen), that outcome literally means the end of American democracy. So…
Man what a difference just a few days made. We went from Trump probably winning and throwing us into the 4th Reich to now a sad old man who due to no longer having another old man to go up against is now obviously and painfully the ONLY senile old man in the race. So of course he is gonna’ backtrack. Its just insane…
So he thinks EV should be able to stand on their own laurels? That seems reasonable?
Yes, oil companies get subsidies, so do EV companies. Due to gas taxes ICE gas have more tax exposure then then EV.
Trump says what he thinks will work in the moment. He has no values or beliefs. If he finds himself in front of a crowd full of Hindus he’ll declare that his Trump Steaks are vegetables. You can’t lie if you live in a world without truth.
How about adding “Just be civil to one another.” If someone is trying to merge, don’t speed up to cut them off. Conversely, the person merging owes a wave of thanks to the person who let them in.
My first thought was: what car has he actually driven in the last 20 years? Oh right.
This fits firmly in what I call a Parade Car. Drive it in a parade and wave to everyone and everyone will love it. Have a grand ol’ time.
Actually going through the hassle of reporting the latest ravings from Donald The Felon, an extremely mentally ill criminal who lies as easily as he breathes...why bother? (Other than pointing out what pathetic ignoramus Donald is....)
It’s about 7 grand below market, which given its need for additional work seems very reasonable.
Further proving that anyone even considering a cybertruck is far below average in intelligence.
so true. i was also mildly shocked at the listed price for the windshield- that thing was 3k minimum, i’da thought.
Just binge watched it while I’m going through COVID. Enjoyable on the same terms that Pimp My Ride was - People doing stupid, over-the-top and completely unnecessary car mods, with decent camaraderie and interpersonal interaction between the cast members.
Make a great potential Grand Sport replica, it looks 80-90% there already.