Neat, but could he repeat it? I’d then call that god-level skill. Until then - undetermined mix of skill and luck.
Neat, but could he repeat it? I’d then call that god-level skill. Until then - undetermined mix of skill and luck.
Should we be surprised cadet bonespurs think people who know how to drive around in a circle really fast would be great military tacticians??
Parenthood Motherhood is increasingly becoming mandated by various state governments as a form of twisted punishment. What makes you think the same governments would pay for parenting classes?
Completely. The civil trial that ensues from this had better bankrupt them.
You think mercenary tow truck drivers aren’t also MAGA idiots? I would think that Venn Diagram is a plain circle.
Some countries restrict the engine size and/or power output of new licensed drivers.
A day after an article with the majority here wanting it to be much harder to get a license in the country and easier to lose one. This kid shouldn’t be allowed to drive ever again, prison sentence or not.
Trump has a toddler’s understanding of the world, which is what happens when you’re raised in a gold tower and have enough money to buy your way out of any problem, whether it’s paying for a spot in the graduating class or buying a bone spur diagnosis to dodge the draft. Actions simply don’t have consequences in…
While I’m not a fan of either, Zuck at least nominally acts like an adult and runs his business quietly.
Not a fan of either but Zuc will STOMP Musk
Vandalizing a car with a dozen cameras and sensors pointed in every direction obviously would leave no record of you vandalizing it /facepalm
Pay a vandal, that will surely teach them that vandalism... doesn’t..... pay.
But officer here is my “rules for thee, not for me” card!
Translation: I expect a return on my $45M-a-week investment, in the form of legislation and executive orders to skew the market in my favour.
I think the real reasoning is a lot more basic than that. When Trump was running against Biden, Musk made the calculation that Trump was going to win and wanted to ingratiate himself. Now that Trump is running against Harris, it’s looking like a totally different race and Musk doesn’t want to be in the crosshairs of a…
Didn’t even read the article, just scrolled the picture. Because goddamn can MB make a gorgeous car when they want to.
Elon is a liar. The SEC REALLY needs to look into his earnings calls over the last decade plus and start holding him to task. As do his ‘investors’, but since they are all his drug buddies on the board nothing will happen. Nor will his ‘investors’ because investing is now about how much money you can milk vs 40 years…
Meh, whatever. If you are working for an organization, they have the right to watch what you are doing. Especially something with as much liability for them as driving a delivery van.