
I’m going to be a contrarian and go NP — assuming you get a PPI and find out what that code is. Otherwise it’s a clean, low-mileage car and, to my eyes, better looking than a lot of the models that come after it for the next 15 years. Plus that sweet V8 and relative simplicity of the car compared to the frightening

Is there something wrong with me in that of all the cars listed, I’m most interested in the 1986 Blazer? Priced at $17,995. This ought to be Monday’s Nice  Price or No Dice feature. I mean, it’s got Yosemite Sam on the back!

I hate to break it to this guy, but you don’t get to just select a jury of 12 parents. You get a jury of your local peers, which might include -- the horror -- people of color, educated people, and maybe even a ride-share driver or two. 

Can you imagine if this vehicle had been released by Ford, GM, Toyota, MB, Audi or some other manufacturer? People would be screaming from rooftops about this turd and swearing off the brand forever. 

The more I think about this article the madder I get about this asshole. Based on the way he spoke to the border control officers I’m guessing he never wore a uniform himself. Yet here he is vehemently disrespecting these young men and women that are doing the job of protecting the America that this guy purports to

Heck, for $4K, why not? If this were mine one of three things would happen:

I had a 2010 VW Jetta TDI with a 6-speed manual. Lowered it with H&R springs and put GTI wheels on it. It was a fun car to drive and could easily get killer MPG numbers when you wanted to got the distance. But it turned out to be a typical VW product self-destructing itself at about 42K miles (I think it had a nest of

Man, imagine going through life with so much hate and so little else to fill your mind. It’s sad, really. Not that I’m sympathetic to the moron. 

The guy probably has one of those “I support law enforcement" blue-line flag stickers on his truck, too. 

I can’t believe ANYONE is buying Tesla stock right now. I know Buffet says “when others are scared, be greedy”, but I gotta think this company is only going to get a lot worse before it (possibly) gets better.

SW FL. Every guy 18-45 seems to need a jacked up 4x4, F250-or better with a diesel, to take his brood to Walmart or the nearest fast food drive through. And don’t forget all those LED lights on the bumper, the undercarriage and even the wheel hubs — you gotta be unique, just like everyone else.

I noticed that years ago when I landed in Nebraska for a wedding. Go Big Red is more than just a chant at the college football games there -- it’s a way of life. 

Neat car but that price seems wildly optimistic. ND if it were my wallet being opened.

It’s actually good to see the Starliner launch delayed. This is one of those things  that the US really needs to get right. 

Jim Clark. That guy did some amazing driving in a time when it was crazy to be going that fast in those cars. 

Never, and please post the seller’s address so we can all rally over there with our pitchforks and torches.

That sounds more comfortable than the politics in FL. I’m calling my realtor!

That robot looks like it’s staging a work slowdown to protest management policies...

Not gonna lie -- I always had a bit of a crush on some of GM’s late 80s/early 90s efforts at performance...

Does Elon just not get it? Every intelligent, useful, hard-working and productive employee at Tesla has their resume ready and is likely already looking for the door. It will be interesting to see if it’s talent-drain or Elon himself that kills the company first.