Sounds like those Marines were arseholes themselves, not willing to help until they felt it was one of "their" women.
Sounds like those Marines were arseholes themselves, not willing to help until they felt it was one of "their" women.
I don't think anyone on here would disagree that minorities are sometimes racist towards other minorities. A lot of the time it seems like everyone hates everyone else, and white people are just the ones with the organized power structure in place to back up those attitudes on a grand, oppressive scale.
I know a girl who uses those terms. She always describes herself as an alpha and how she can't get along with other alphas and how alphas don't like it when other alphas are in their territory and I'm just sitting there like, are you human beings or fucking tigers? What is all this nonsense?
Some people just need a boundary to chaffe against, or they can't tell the difference between content and annoyed. This time it's showing up as a feminist thing, but she sounds like her life is a Goldilocks situation.
I live kind of, across the way from a really nice neighborhood. Like, an NFL player lives nearby. My house is more in the "new owner" kind of size, but there are some fucking awesome houses. It's got the same kind of deal: every Halloween, buckets of kids come in from everywhere to go trick or treating. And you know…
My freshman year of college, I made the mistake of dating a very serious born-again Christian. (I was raised both Catholic and Unitarian Universalist, I'm not sure what he was doing in the relationship either.)
You are not alone. I had to read that part twice just too believe it. Talk about hubris.
I didn't have an opinion on Nicholas Sparks until now, aside from thinking his movies and books look like things I would not enjoy, but this:
Something to remember is that Milo Manara is famous for erotic and pornographic comics. I don't know what else the expected from him in commissioning him to do the Spider-Woman cover. He should be one of the last choices for something that is not explicitly about sex. The fault here lies primarily with the people who…
Teenage me (and adult me, too!) agrees with you. They often say no. Sometimes, they say no not-very-nicely and embarrass you.
Uh, as a parent of a 13 year old girl....I very much don't want her to go out "— out anywhere where young men drink alcohol."
What in the fresh hell did I just read?
I suffer from sexsomnia. Or more to the point, my wife suffers from my sexsomnia. I have often woken up mid-coitus. And this began long ago. I used to share a bed with many people in college, but after I groped several in my sleep (irrelevant of gender, despite me being 100% straight) I realised I should be more…
I don't think you quite understand the concept of giving birth. It can take over a day for the child to come out after contractions begin. That doesn't mean the child has to be born right there and then. This lady's contractions coming right after chasing the attacker meant that the extreme exertion she went through…
I don't agree with her on most of the things, her videos aren't that great. They DO have good points thou.
I uh, think you read the article wrong. Says he argued with her, then SHE punched him. He responded to that with a slap. She ducked out and hopped into his vehicle and crashed it into him, killing him and injuring her.
I have an acquaintance who was going through a divorce with her alcoholic ex-husband when she got the news that he'd died. Apparently, he was set up on a blind date for a wedding, proceeded to get drunk and then drove himself and his date off of a pier and they both died. I think about that poor woman who died on a…
Dating has changed a LOT since I got married.
Ha! I wrote this, and then I thought you'd think I was being an asshole. The goal, in voice, is to sound like you could be from anywhere and then still sound like yourself. I was going through my early tapes (on cassette! Cassette!) and they are hysterical. It's like Barbie with a Boston accent. I was ashamed…
You can do it; but it takes YEARS of dedicated practice and good teachers. I'm a Massachusetts native, and I went into broadcast news. I had to tape myself, listen to myself, and talk to myself with the dedication of a Marine recruit going through basic training to go from a 5-thousand watt radio station on the NH…