
Those who have know us for years must realize that we do not condone this behavior.

To everyone saying it is just a joke: That's the point.

"she wouldn't work" = she can't take a rape joke.

Looks more like she IS an autumn, and stole spring/summer colours, though.

Yeah, but they also don't care. A former co-worker would go to Sephora once a week before meetings to touch up her makeup for about a year and no one said anything. She bought stuff maybe once a month.

"No smoking is allowed on the property"... More and more hospitals are doing this, and it's an awful idea.

I had a horrified, whimpering look on my face. My husband said "oh that wasn't so bad." I replied "IT'S NOT HAPPENING TO YOU!"

I have no experience with being sexually assaulted like this, but I still feel like I have to say this

I'm not a woman, so I have no experience with being sexually assaulted like this

Do you realize that when I've been groped and assaulted, or harassed and catcalled, I've been told after the fact that I should have used my words and stood up for myself? That I should have "just kicked him in the balls" since that is supposedly the magical remedy for manly assault?

We cannot win. We are either too

I'm pleasantly surprised that these numbers defy the widespread misconception (based in the horrid triumvirate of heterosexism, homophobia and sexism) that lesbians are asexual, unattractive and only lesbians because they 'can't get a man.' Turns out they are lesbians because they are hot for and love other woman —

Not shocked. Beyond comfort and familiarity, I think a lot of the difference could be chalked up to the focus on mutual orgasm during intercourse. Same-sex couples engage in more turn-based sex, while straight couples tend to focus on each partner reaching orgasm during vaginal intercourse. Many women find it

When I first visited Guatemala, I wondered why all these children were playing without anyone watching them. Then I realised EVERYONE was watching them.

Canada has socialized health care and we're pretty gigantic and multi-cultural.

You know, this is why it enraged me so much when that woman was arrested for leaving her child in the park while she went to work at McDonald's. In China, completely random strangers pick up children on the train/bus/sidewalk, play with them, show them things in their bags or coats, then put them back with their

When someone advocates domestic abuse I think it is noteworthy and they deserve to be called out for it.

And Chuck Zito of 'Son's of Anarchy' says she deserved it. No story there?

I was just about to say the same thing. What exactly is "athletic" is open to debate, but some muscle mass is generally implied, I would think.

Of course racism is always ugly, but in my own experiences, Europeans have been educated and just don't care. I don't know how many times I have had to reprimand European friends (some of them former friends) for making the slant eyes. It actually does not matter to them, because they don't understand and don't care

I agree with the idea that this is an issue of ignorance. I also think that there's a tendency to imitate American culture and this to me reads like an attempt at hipster irony. Really crap hipster irony.