Flora Postal

I think there’s also the tendency of people/organizations that area so idealistic or “values driven” or whatever to feel like that can do absolutely whatever they deem necessary in service of "the mission". Even if that means not following their proclaimed values.

Every time I see Marianne talking I get a Heathers flashback:

0.0% of people are surprised. All of these “enlightened” types are monsters once the camera turns off.

I’m not surprised at all. Crazy person is crazy.

Why should they be co-ed? It’s about sisterhood.  I had a great experience.  Most people I know did.

I was gobsmacked by how many people tried to explain to ME that I’m not an alcholic. Want to see how someone feels about thier own drinking? Put an openly sober person around them, it’s telling.

Fuck right off with this “lens of shame” bullshit. What I read was a person who absolutely ISNT ashamed, but has found the right path for themselves in life- we should all be so lucky.

For the people this article is talking about, “cheap and easy pleasures” don’t stop there. People come to rely on their substances to deal with trauma, stress, and the ups and downs of everyday life. It can be hard to step back from drinking even when you want to because our society revolves around it and “casual”

I can’t help but wonder if our Puritanical, boring Christian upbringings have given us a lot of cultural hangups around drinking. And, like many conversion stories, sobriety narratives involve hitting “rock bottom” (chemically or spiritually) before being redeemed and walking the right path. There are a lot of

... I’d rather risk them thinking I used to be a raging alcoholic who had to quit versus someone who just didn’t like to drink. That’s some entrenched thinking about the role of alcohol and how it plays into our identities.”

Thank you for saying this. I’ve seen this happen with two friends who are in recovery.

Loved this. I quit drinking a few weeks before the start of the pandemic which makes it...checks watch...just over 3 years. My drinking wasn’t out of control when comparing it to the narrative we’ve been fed around what qualifies as worth quitting over but it certainly was gray area and as a daughter of an alcoholic

I like the “eating vegetables” analogy, because that’s pretty realistic. Few people would “eat healthy” if they had a choice, and most people don’t have the time or energy to make it enjoyable.

If it isn’t work, then it must be easy. So what’s stopping critics from doing it?

This drama is unfounded—she has every right to upsell. She did the work of digging through all the crap—because you know that to find 10 good pieces she probably waded through 1000+ items. You are not just paying for the item, you are paying for the thrifter’s TIME and EYE for style. All these haters certainly don’t

“Inconsiderate exploitation”—-haha, they mean “I’m mad because I didn’t think of it first”. Another faux-controversy by people who have nothing better to do than to try to create Internet outrage. People have been buying second hand items at thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets for decades and sometimes reselli

You bring up a good question of what responsibility does an artist really have to be sure an opener, closer, or “special guest star” has a similar tone to themselves? And at what point is it subjective? 

Dude got lazy but also... like legitimately scared? He gives off the vibe of, “I am uncomfortable with how fast the world seems to be changing and I’m doing my best to keep certain groups in their place until I can get back to a world I understand,” and he’s doing all that’s in his power to do so.

Yeah, it took me a long time to catch on, but “it could be worse” should always be viewed as a threat, not an attempt to comfort.

I feel like “cancellation” only directly concerns 2 categories of people: the outraged who want someone cancelled for life, and the right wing idiots who equate all criticism to “cancellation” and think they’re being silenced. Meanwhile, the rest of the world looks on, rolling their eyes at the two extremes duking it