
Calmez-vous pour quoi?!

Keep trying, folks. You've almost got the Hengjavik.

"and at the start of the match they were loud enough to be picked up by the mics"

....because benches hate fat people.

a11 20rt2 0f bu11241T

Those fans are gonna be so mad when someone reads that sign or this article to them. So mad, you guys.

Umm...I think by definition 11-5 is much better than 0-6.

The biggest problem with developing US Talent is college soccer programs. The NCAA puts limits on practice time and games that hamper development, so the average 22 year old US player is on the whole behind his equivalent in other countries.

If you scratch his picture hard enough you can actually smell the stale farts and leftover hot pockets.


Re: Barnwell - I don't know that there's a smarter NFL analyst out there right now. With that said, it boggles the mind that none of his Grantland colleagues stopped him from selecting what is arguably the most slovenly picture of any author I've ever witnessed.

the only thing for us to do now is to eat shit

i know you're burying it with new articles, but cmon guys apologize for and retract the gardner article. that is really fucking embarrassing and you'd be all over any other site that got busted with such shoddy journalism. you're no better than all these 'evil' organizations you're constantly blasting when you pull

Breaking News: Politician Deadspin Makes Shit Up!

The Denver Post is reporting that Pfalmer asserts Deadspin misquoted him, and that the reporter— presumably McKenna— didn't wait for a follow-up email.

Your story was a lot more thoroughly debunked than that one line after UPDATE you've stuck on at the end now. Your main source is claiming in Denver Post he didn't say what you quote him as saying — and in fact told you the opposite — and Gardner posted pictures of himself on the high school football team. I'm not a

"Is a Colorado Senate Candidate Lying About his Football Career?" - deadspin
"No, he is not." - reality

Jesus: [Looks at roster]