
Where I live, water boils at 95 C. 0 to 100 only works if you are at a given atmospheric pressure. And that is what has always bugged me about how the metric system is sold to regular folks- you sell it as a logical, base ten system, but it has been adjusted so many times to try to correct for new understandings of

He's got a point about your lack of journalistic integrity. You guys never got Lennay Kekua's side of the story, either.


Obviously it could be wrong, but McGraw Hill is the largest textbook maker in the US so. The SI unit of measurement is either Kelvin or degrees Celsius, but most countries with the Metric System us degrees Celsius as their unit of temperature.

Completely agree about Celsius. The rest of the Metric system is fine, and makes sense. Celsius, however, is not great. With degrees F, the o to 100 scale encompasses the range of temperatures humans encounter (0 in Alaska, 100 in Miami, or something like that). But Celsius? Right now, it would be -20 in NYC,


Sure, I've been to places where you shit into a literal hole in the ground. But the Sochi resort infrastructure, including the plumbing, was just built from scratch, and it's supposed to be a world-class resort destination even after the Olympics end.

The artwork of all the Canadian teams that have won the Stanley Cup in the last 20 years was a nice touch.

HIBBERT: Big ups to Franz Kafka for writing "Metamorphosis". Oh, he so FLY LOL
HIBBERT: DAYUM Richard Adams you got them rabbits running game!
HIBBERT: [Rejects "Charlotte's Web"]

Shout out to Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men has cute bunnies and..... Oh.

Are we sure the Olympics aren't in Greece cause those accommodations look spartan.

Those night tables are bolted to the ground, an impenetrable barrier to the beds being pushed together.

“To be fair, we should point out that our tipster did not share his end of the exchanges with us, but we assume he’s a huge asshole, too”

From: mikemiss@975thefanatic.com
To: [redacted]

And I will avenge my brother's death by...vandalizing his grave site?

*Not a Joke*

Somebody murdered my brother. Now, I'm seeking vengeance the only way I know how: by taking local businesses to task for not salting the stairs out front of their establishments and putting the health and safety of their customers at risk. Have you been hurt in a fall? Fuckin' call me, bra.

Produced By: Kenny Powers
Edited By: Stevie Janowski

What's amazing is how much better this is than many of the commercials that cost millions of dollars to produce (and millions more to air).