I have never, and could never, play a game for 90 hours. I think 20-25 is my upper limit.
I have never, and could never, play a game for 90 hours. I think 20-25 is my upper limit.
@Platypus Man: Or her.
@Foggynotion: Or if you're talking about explaining the strip then you should play Resident Evil.
@Tevor_the_Third: I think it's always been pretty obvious that the Kotaku guys are 'journalists' first, gamers second.
Big beefy dude with massive crotch plate - check
@yellowpastystuff: Recession? What recession? Imax movies (3 times no less) and new cars all round I say. I'll be lucky if I'm not eating toast for dinner again tonight.
I think the worst part would be if a girl you were trying to impress came over and you were sitting in your living room with coloured glasses on, playing video games. The video game part is hard enough to explain.
@OmegaSpartan08: You could get a pair of clip on shades and play with 3 pairs of lenses between you and the game.
@thejakeman: Not in my country either. Learn to think outside your borders.
@wirebrain: The Sega 3D glasses would alternately black out each side of the lenses and hurt your brain into thinking you were seeing 3D. Avatar uses a slightly blurred colour defocus which unfortunately didn't work for me because one of my eyes is better than my other. All I got watching Avatar was red blur whenever…
@Turkeyslam: More like buying a Ferrari then leaving it at home while you walk down to the arcade to play Ferrari F355 Challenge. Then being laughed at by kids for still going to arcades.
@InsidiousTuna: As does the poster, title, cast, tagline and plot.
@Obama takes time to read kotaku's comments...: America, you are using up the world's resources so your lives can be more convenient and you can't even get it right.
@SPni: No thought for civilian casualties in Iraq or Afghanistan? They’re not celebrities.
Rated M? What's mature about this?
Next time I sell something on ebay I'm sending you a link so you can promote it for free for me.
Even better would have been a level where you go into the Infinity Ward offices and shoot all their family and children. Now that would show balls. Imagine them trying to explain that to their families. Just how far are they willing to take it, and is it for story, shock or gameplay?
@anduin1: But on the positive side - when developers get it right and utilize all aspects of a difficult system, the results are impressive. A popular console always attracts rubbish, but without a console being popular then no games get developed for it at all. So just ignore the rubbish, and enjoy the good stuff.
@anduin1: I think this is actually one of the reasons you'll see crap games on the PS3. If their market share is biggest then people will develop for it. That's been a fact since video games started.
@play_eminence: Mr Burns.