Learn how to say what someone else wants to hear rather than be who you are.
Learn how to say what someone else wants to hear rather than be who you are.
I wouldn't be too excited. Being the worst usually means you are the most popular and have therefore attracted the most game developers trying to cash in, (and so have the highest rate of crap).
There's one in Auckland at Sky City Cinemas downtown. No one's on it if you want a go.
"We had this whole market in the US that thought the tone was cool, but in Europe everyone thought it was ridiculous and tasteless and a bunch of frat guys running around"
@Karth is Ego Tripping: It was a sad day over 25 years ago. Sex and video games have been linked for a long long time.
No one likes a jerk? Please post that on Xbox live.
@Rachel Fogg: That would be the joke from Scary Movie 4.
The industry is really feeling the effects of the struggling economy. No longer will it support half-arsed Star Wars games like the one we just put out. It seems only good games like Modern Warfare 2, Left 4 Dead 2 and Dragon Age are selling these days.
@RicoTheSaboteur: Indeed but I didn't really think The Running Man was seminal, nor really anything above slightly average. So I went with "I'll buy that for a dollar" - Robocop. #smashtv
How can this be seminal? Robotron 2084 + Robocop, those were seminal. Learn 2 word properlike. Unless you mean full of semen, then that's okay. #smashtv
This is not my logo. So please don't call it that. #residentevilafterlife
And the altering to a larger bust size is to appeal to...?
No suprise considering the angsty crap he writes for the Metal Gear series. (not knocking the games, just his dialogue). #hideokojima
Just so you all know, I want to be kept alive as long as possible. I don't care about my state. Thanks. #doom
Which other countries celebrate Halloween? They don't where I come from. #halloween
@runandgun: Are you asking for help or looking for support? You should probably as yourself why it bothers you so much.
@GenRedLeader: Who says the Wii collects dust? Everything collects dust. Or do people live in plastic tents and never shed skin?
Wow, the girls are going to be so impressed by these!