Can't believe their's 15,000. And those are just the ones who got caught. Kids these days. Want everything "now, now, now". Harden up.
There is nothing deep about the gameplay of Zak and Wiki.
Zombies and Vampires. What the fuck is up with the kids these days?
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@warpped655: He gets old and dies, or he fights and dies, or not. What more closure do you want?
@John: Studios do this when they know a movie is quite good and still has good word of mouth. This saves them having to advertise it twice.
Sounds like me talking to Slippy.
@resvrgam: He certainly looks the part though.
I've always disliked the Xbox avatars and their carrot-up-arse stance. Now they've been confirmed as unnatural I feel better. Slim down you pudgy gimps.
@Jonn: I don't believe he was saying piracy has killed the DS. He is talking of the software market. And yes, that market has collapsed for a number of reasons. Piracy being one.
When you put it like that it does kind of look like Sony made Move to try and undermine the Wii market (rather than compete with them). Oh well. It wouldn't be the first time Sony had killed off a rival console.
I've died well over 1001 times playing video games.
@psycoking: But the question is not 'will they get to live a better life?' but will they stop killing themselves because their working conditions are so terrible. Those stakes make me care less if I miss out on a next generation console. Some things just aren't worth it.
So they might be talking the talk, but history shows the almighty dollar speaks another language.
@burninfidels: In fact Portal benefitted from someone coming in after the game was finished and adding dialogue. Glados ended up like a comedian ad-libbing over the top. Pacing issues? (like on the last level)Then just add some dialogue.
I don't have one. I would get one under the following conditions -
@ShaunassNZ: I would love to include a game like Civ or even Command & Conquer. Upon reflection I might take out Pacman and put in some sort of Strategy game (my personal pick would be C&C or UFO - I believe C&C was very influential but the series since then has tainted the name, so many people aren't willing to…