Flop Phone

I’ve never seen someone so afraid of Al Franken

You left out bible study, heathen.

I honestly don’t get America. I come from India and am now a Canadian citizen and even in India Trump would have been stopped long before it got to this. But it seems America’s good people are too concerned about decorum than stopping this flaming train-wreck first. I’m astonished it’s come to this. I feel sorry for


So why doesn’t he call her out on it? Fuck decorum and politeness. Look where that has gotten us. I would like to think I would be following up on that. “really lady? We need guns in schools to defend children from grizzly bears? This is honestly something you believe? And in believing that you think you are qualified

Watched it just for that. He can’t believe this shit is happening.

His internal monologue was totally “This fucking bitch.....”

Nice burn by Sen. Murphy at the end of that clip. Also, note her contradicion within 30 seconds. At first, she says gun control should be left to the “locales”. But then she would support whatver the PEOTUS does, including a ban on gun-free zones in schools. THIS lady is for turning!

The look of disgust on Senator Murphys face is magnificent.

I actually assumed she had to be talking about some kind of euphemism for homeless people but no she meant actual grizzly bears.

Too late. My wife is a teacher and they have gotten to the point where they’re practice testing the kids all year long. It’s so constant that they have trouble getting the kids to care about the real tests because they’re sick of the constant testing, but that’s what the curriculum forces them to do.

Lunch? What kind of communist shit is this? You get your parents to give you $10 every day and shop at one of our fine on-campus fast food restaurants.

I literally watched this happen live (yes, I’m serious), and I still don’t believe it.

The only way to stop a bad bear is with a good bear. Ban bear free zones!

Dude wrestled in the WWE , talked about banging hookers on Howard Stern, and was the host of reality TV game show. This country is white trash and as reasonable respectable people who love this country and would like to see it progress it hurts and is disheartening. What can we do though, we have to keep fighting

Because why the fuck not?

you really toad the line with that one, norm.

I assumed he would have ended up at TCU.

I find that parents in all neighborhoods want good teachers and a good education, but most parents don’t show that in a constructive way. They become part of the problem by over obsessing over grades and burden the teachers with pressure and a lot of other BS.