Flop Phone

I love how he says bigotry in the 1960's was especially prevalent in the so called liberal states of the NE United States.

I’m tired of whites staying in this country with their bad taste in food and music. They take all the good jobs, like health insurance CEO positions and what not. We should build walls around Connecticut, Oregon and other places to keep whites out. They stay in this country and many are rapists and criminals. Some, I

It would also help if blacks stopped being such a bunch of self centered show offs with their athletic abilities and would learn how to play in an intelligent and team oriented way with grit and hustle, like guys like Brett Favre, John Stockton, Cal Ripken Jr. and countless Duke basketball players from the last 25

Seems to me The Whites who read/comment on WSJ sound eerily similar to The Whites who read the NYPost and Yahoo News, but that couldn’t be.

If that Bill O’Reilly stopped bringing up race and White problems all the time maybe we could finally get past racism in this country.

So many Whites are criminal by nature, it’s true! Look at the numbers of them being locked up for insider trading and fraud! I know it’s not politically correct to say it, but Whites are just born that way.

Well, second commentor, education and access to birth control pretty much always results in a drop in teen birth rates, but something tells me you are against comprehensive sexual ed and reproductive health care that is accessible and affordable. It’s so much easier to make asshole comments instead of putting effort

I have white friends!

But why don’t the good whites denounce the crimes committed by the bad ones? I don’t think I’ll be able to trust any whites until the decent ones stand up to the bad ones and start tackling the problems in their own communities.

They are God’s children caught in a culture of rap...

Don’t forget that Rick Perry’s commitment to black people is so deep he named his families hunting camp in honor of them:

I have nothing but respect for The Whites, even though many of them are addicted to opiates and are too lazy to get a job! I have some Whites in my family, they are good people, hard working, respectful! If all The Whites where like The Whites I know, they would be happier.

Growing up, I never found out about a lie quicker than adult coaches saying, “Go out there and have fun.” I distinctly remember the first time I actually took it to heart, I was playing in our minor league baseball game (first league to use pitchers and not machines) and we were about to suffer our first loss. I was

I learned that as an altar boy in Pennsylvania.

I have long hair for a dude. The other day, I ate at a Chinese restaurant and had a little piece of food stuck between a couple of molars that was bothering the hell out of me and I had forgotten to grab a toothpick. I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled out a strand of hair and used it—successfully—as floss.

Krzyzewski deserves a good tripping for that shit he pulled with Dillon Brooks...

Don’t forget to LIE about teaching that kid out in public. After you teach him out in public. That was the best part!

I assume the back surgery is an exploratory procedure in which they’ll be looking for something resembling a spine.  

“You don’t need to teach out in the public all the time.”

It was originally a lot more accurate than it is lately; the rise of open white supremacy in the US has emboldened a lot of people who were originally just quietly prejudiced to start openly preaching hate.