Flop Phone

As a radiologist let me just say that this is a terrible idea. There will be abnormalities in most of the scans, as previous studies have shown MSK MRI to have a high prevalence of false positives. Whether or not they correspond to any actual clinical problem is the main thing. This is, as you say, a negotiating

Angels GM: After reviewing your MRI, we saw something with your right arm that we think might create serious issues with your ability to pitch in the future.

The Cubs will use this to draft prospects with really tight ligaments after bone breaks. I saw a documentary about twenty years ago that showed one such case.

Given the changes in the league since Jackson was last a winner and his obvious unwillingness to acknowledge any of them, it’s not at all ridiculous for any Random Internet Guy to presume himself more knowledgeable of the game at present than Jackson.

The Zen Master is clearly just trying to call attention away from the fact that he gave the ghost of Joakim Noah a 4 yr/$72 mil contract.

I’ve spent my career working in IT. Phil seems like every boss I’ve ever had who insisted on trying to use technology twenty years out of date to solve a problem that he didn’t really understand.

To be clear, I wasn’t disagreeing with you either. I was just offering that as additional evidence. It was an economic thing that was driven by race. I guess a bit of chicken and egg type of thing.

I hear they play soccer the right way...

The best fans in soccer!

And taxpayers are still on the hook for over $144 million dollars for that place. Uh... NO.

Yeah but if they reconfigured it for soccer it would mean the following

I keep forgetting that St. Louis is an actual city. Seems like an ancient myth, like Atlantis or Utica.

I hear the Edward Jones Dome isn’t being used much these days.

I love being a Chelsea fan! Everyone talks about them so I feel as though I get to share them with everyone

This is good Kinja.

I’m sure he was thinking “Goddamn, it was so much easier when the teams I’ve worked for already had the best player in the league on the roster when I took the job.”

“The problem with Phil Jackson is that he holds the joint too long rather than passing it, leading to a inefficient and uneven baking in the drum circle.”

Actually, he was shown on the broadcast a few times. He was somewhat stone-faced, but probably for different reasons than you suggest.

I love being a Spurs fan! No one talks about them so I feel as though I have them all to myself

Unfortunately Phil Jackson wasn’t around to see it because he was hiding in his office during the game, while getting stoned off his ass on Maui Wowie.