Flop Phone

...and then tweeting about how he should be credited with keeping McDonalds stores in the US.

I think all interviews with Trump are worthless. Just go straight to the source in Moscow and eliminate the middleman/patsy.

It’s about knowing your audience. If he was among friends, that comment isn’t a big deal. Among people who don’t really know him, inappropriate.

Cooley was a gritty player, that’s why people have to look closely to find his private matters.

I agree, Millennials are really entitled. They’re not like old people who are totally selfless and don’t at all depend on the government for their retirement and health care.

I’m okay with him doing it since he’s a HOF-level player (or at least borderline). It got a little ridiculous when players like Christine Michaels did it.

I suspect he’s being kept alive by lawyers. Hard to collect on someone when they’re dead.

You’re still going on about this? Jesus, get a life.

You two should get a room together. You would make a cute couple.

Every Jets fan secretly wants Rex back as a HC.

Music is a reflection of society, not a driver.

People mock those participation trophies I don’t know why acknowledging effort is a bad thing. I think the drive to win the championship trophy at all costs is a bad thing.

Just being around Mickey Kroozewski makes one a superior being. Gritty guys like Reddick, Hurley, and Laettner maximized their potential through hard work, being a sound fundamental player, and a solid family to support them (I’m aware Laettner didn’t have a dad when he grew up but he looks like he had a dad).

Oh yeah, forgot about that, then again that goes without saying when talking about “Those” people.

Remember, it’s not cheating when it’s us white people doing it. We prefer to call it: finding inefficiencies or exploiting a loophole.

...or how those inner city kids are taught to play “team ball” by “great” “leaders”/“teachers” like Mike Krwzonski or Nick Saban.

...or the National Review.

Even worse is how blacks have a higher burden. If blacks complain, us whites always are like: “do something about it or quit complaining.” When we complain we usually just nod with each other in agreement (and then realize things are pretty good).

Oh yeah, great point, forgot about good old nepotism. Gotta love how prevalent that is in football coaching.

When I first clicked on the article, I just glanced at the excerpts and thought they were message board comments on the WSJ. I actually read the article and realized that this was an actual editorial.