
True. Can’t deny that. Everything you said is true. But...

I agree with you, but this doesn’t seem so much a way to combat propaganda as it is a way to tilt the narrative and redirect. This whole article feels like one giant straw man to me. Who cares what some fringe asshole tweets about? I’ve never heard of this guy until now.

“to counter propaganda”

It happened on Facebook Live. It shows how tech can be used for harm. There’s also a huge Twitter angle, and how this disruptive tool is being used to misinform. It can’t all be about pixels and arduinos, sorry.

This is so weird. Four teens torture a mentally handicapped person for upwards of two days, and you’re pissed off because some piece of shit made a hashtag?

Jezebel - this media group’s news reporting website now - has still to publish anything on the topic. The first mention of it came on Gizmodo for some reason, at 10:30am, which is I don’t even know how many hours after it became nationally aware. It’s not the top story on Buzzfeed, which any minor Trump story or

you mean #whitelivesmatter?

Love it - four black kids kidnap a white special needs kid and torture him for hours and you write about how white people are responding the wrong way...

“but I found myself wishing both Williams and DeGeneres had called Burrell’s actions out a little more explicitly.”

Thank God y’all are taking on the burden of adjudicating some of these high-level disputes, it saves the International Criminal Court at The Hague some docket space.

Stories of Trump supporters “attacking” women and minorities were all over Jezebel, and Jezebel even grudgingly admitted some of those were hoaxes.

How they are not calling this a hate crime I have no idea... imagine the roles being reversed and it was a black man having this done to him by a bunch of white shit heads... it would immediately be called a hate crime. Replace “fuck trump” with “fuck obama” and “fuck white people” with “fuck black people”. This is

Because the victim is white...The guys are shouting “Fuck Trump” and “Fuck white people”. I mean sure fuck Trump but really fuck white people? I’m not sure what else the “investigation” is hoping to find to suggest that this was not a hate crime. If it were 4 white guys assaulting a black guy and shouting “Fuck Obama”

“Police are investigating whether the slurs are evidence enough to designate the assault a hate crime.”

Uh dude, you may not know this but black on white crime doesnt exist here.

Jesus, Hamilton, I’d expect your straw man argument to at least be less obvious.

That’s not what was written. He said to fight for both equally as hard, not choose one over the other. Are you still hungover from New Years?

Buuuttt the point he’s trying to make that you cavalierly ignored, isn’t wrong. Or you can keep doing what ya’ll’ve been doing. That’s worked.

Nice strawman.