
I don’t think his office is public property. Even Sanders had protesters arrested for occupying his office.

Congressional district offices often are in private buildings. The congressman in the next district over from mine has his office in a fancy outdoor mall. You’d better believe that’s private property.

You realize that using a birth certificate to get other forms of ID is pretty much how it works, right? You’re going to carry around an ID, not a birth certificate.

Then I’d also presume you are in favor of removing any liability from anybody who gives inappropriate treatment to somebody if they use a license that presents with the wrong sex to make that determination? And yes, that actually happens - particularly to trans people, but also others. But as long as you’re cool with

So you’re more in favor of letting the doctors guess?

Legal proof of citizenship and identity. Vital statistics, which are important for figuring out ways to help people from dying prematurely. And I think it’s super awesome & important to include “intersex” as an option on birth certs. Also think it’s important to note transitions.

(joke about how the women in the choir are dressed like the Wives from The Handmaid’s Tale)

Unappreciated by whom, Joanna? By you and the rest of the media? Because unlike you elitists, honest, hardworking Americans have been appreciating the hell out of that table for years.

Shame all he largely achieved in his Second Term was looking good in photos due to a deadlocked political system that doesn’t work.

I don’t remote believe the Beyoncé gossip, mostly because I don’t believe Beyoncé ever stoops to full on fighting with her enemies. I would believe that Kim called Beyoncé and Beyoncé said nice-sounding things to her, and then Kim got off the phone and realized every last word Bey said to her was absolute shade.


Lol at the commenters who seem to think they know what’s good for Williams more than Williams herself does.

[Ed. note: Kara has never been on Reddit]


I love how your gross ethnic stereotype is then followed up by concern trolling about the content on reddit. Really makes you think...

I mean, sure, she could probably find some gold-digging asshole.

Yay! I sent in this tip because I have Alexis as a Facebook friend and he posted about it! I can attest to the fact that he is super cute about her, in a very low key, very proud to be with her, adores the hell out of her, kinda way. So, yes, I believe he would treat her right! (Plus he’s Armenian, so I have a soft

The little Reddit creature versions of them are actually really cute.

He’s not fooled by the rocks.

Also, somebody please go check on Drake.