
I was reading about this last night where people had published stories 13 hours prior to that. So people have had this story up since at least noon yesterday, but Jezebel and Gizmodo Media only thought to comment on it after a day of people harping on them.

An article they wrote 18 hours after news broke, only after the rest of us held their feet to the fire.

The Left cares more about Black Lives Matter being used properly than they care about this mentally disabled teenager who was attacked by four thugs.

You are comparing two kids sticking a coathanger up someones ass to 2 days of beatings, drinking from a toilet, having his scalp cut off with a knife, and being subjected to racial slurs AFTER having been kidnapped.

These people are disgusting, and I hope they’re punished to the full extent of the law.

Of course Sean King said that. Sean King is the worst of the apologizers.

The people attacking Trump supporters are really bad people. That has nothing to do with race.

Your excusing torture and kidnapping with historical injustices. Congrats, you have officially played the oppression Olympics.

Watch the video on CNN. For some reason no one else is covering that.

The Chicago Superindendent still said he thought this could be “just some kids being kids” though. That doesn’t rate in your “journalism?”

Exactly what you said is that this was just “bad apples” and then that it doesn’t rate compared to your construct of black victimhood. That is EXACTLY what you just said.

It was covered:

That was covered here.

So it took 3 hours of me constantly posting about it to get a splice from another page from you ingrates. The mentally disabled aren’t deserving of “justice” from the left? Covered Kim, Ellen, white people spending money at Christmas prior to so much as a peep.

So it took 4 hours of me down here to get a repost from a bare bones story. Hah. Great. Covered Kim Kardashian, Ellen DeGeneres, and everyone else under the sun who deserves “justice” according to the left.

That is EXACTLY what Miss Mercedes said.

Anyone with their head screwed on straight knows every community has bad people.