
“We all have to get used to everyone’s differences and understand that this is a big, gigantic, beautiful, colorful world and it only works with inclusion and empathy. It only works that way...The world is a beautiful place, but it does not work without empathy and inclusion. God is love. This universe is love.”

The police are saying it is not “racially motivated,” and that it may just be “kids being kids” and “looking for headlines.”

Stories of Trump supporters “attacking” women and minorities were all over Jezebel, and Jezebel even grudgingly admitted some of those were hoaxes.

I mean we have on this very site had writers say that voting for Trump out a lack of caring for the underprivileged is the same as actively being racist. I don’t think being apathetic towards unions deserves any other treatment.

And why is that? Because the Democrats haven’t done anything but played token lip service to Unions ever since Johnson left office.

It wasn’t CallmEAL who made it an either-or. That was the Democrats, who have not made it a central part of their politics since Johnson was in office.

Congrats union dumb fucks who voted Trump.

You forgot to mention how scared and fragile women are when someone suggests that women’s issues are not the most pressing concerns of the movement for social justice.

Privilege isn’t a competitive sport, and no one needs to be “worse” off to be served unjustly.

The rate of crime is for convictions though, not accusations.

The point is that the stats say less than 40% of people taken away for domestic violence are girls. Yet the article calls that girls being “disportionately” punished. The stat doesn’t lend itself to that conclusion, just based on that stat its clear that boys are disportionately arrested.

And Session’s Office and the Malheur Refuge are both public property.

The difference is I would be simple assault, and the other is domestic assault.

Because they would have to clean the mattress and because heat costs money. I know because I have been there. In most places I feel like people will say its funding, certainly in poor black places.

Researchers say these laws and policing practices disproportionately affect girls, who account for a growing share of juveniles arrested for domestic offenses (38 percent) and simple assaults (37 percent).

How does everyone forget that those people were also arrested? And put on trial? Sure a bunch of assholes let them off the hook but those assholes were local to the refuge.

The Tea Party was built on acting like Progressives. No, really.

It very much does, or do you think the malheur refuge occupiers were in the right? Public property does not mean anyone can just come in and do whatever they want whenever they want. It’s why Cliven Bundy has to pay fees to use public land to graze his cattle.