
Arresting them for trespassing in a public office is a direct violation of that.

Who are you talking about? The Maher Refuge people? They were arrested. And put on trial.

What I did then is the same habit I am trying to break now: eating too much and not socializing. I ate because my parents put food in front of me and I didn’t socialize because I was the fat kid who was easy to make fun of and I didn’t take it well, nor did I follow my parent’s suggestion to just beat up other kids.

This ends with Nick and Taylor and with Rachel going on the Bachelorette. You heard it here first folks.

It’s listed on the birth certificate so that going forward, people generating medical records have a reference to go from. It’s just one of numerous documents that will hold the information on your sex as you go, but rather than generate a wholly seperate piece of paper just to identify sex at birth for your medical

Sex is listed on your photo ID so that if emergency responders have to pick your carcass up off the ground, they know how to begin treatment. Sex plays a role in a variety of conditions and diseases and rather than tearing your pants off to see your gentalia, its better to just look at photo ID and say “hey, this

Good. Stay in your lane, tech bros get to stay in theirs.

How is the diversity “needed?” Like your vagina or your skin makes you somehow super-special, got it.

In Hollywood, too, it’s clear that white mediocrity still dominates conversations and capital—see:Manchester by the Sea, La La Land, Nocturnal Animals, etc

Kanye is coloring his hair like Rodman, Kim is being called talentless and tasteless...

The people calling Serena Williams a man are mostly black men. That was my reaction to the news of her engagement last night: